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Comment Re:Precious snowflakes (Score 1) 300

A lot of fundamental ideals of the USA are founded on the notion that what you have, make, or build belongs to you, and that you're entitled to the sweat of your brow with the overseeing government being entitled to only the bare minimum of it in order to provide public services and remain functional. Under that notion, you're free to do what you want with your property without fear or concern of it being subjected to the confiscation of the government for arbitrary reasons, simply because it feels entitled. What is yours is yours and can be distributed to friends, family, the poor, or whatever you wish. What the OP is arguing for is in defense of those kinds of ideals, to keep government hands out of private and individual pockets. Now, this notion has been adapted, adjusted, played with, tweaked, circumvented, or regarded as outdated in a "modern" society by numerous others of the last several generations, but the original intent and arguments still stand. Whether they bear further scrutiny or discussion is another matter, but that's the heart of why the estate tax is believed to be ridiculous by some.

Comment Open Source Rover? (Score 1) 35

Uninformed question here, but do they post the designs and technologies in the rovers for the public, or are they classified to any extent? I would think that once you've built one rover, that you could build and deploy a dozen for not *too* much more extra cost. Do those designs enter the public domain once the mission is complete? It would be great to have a portfolio of existing technologies that have proven to work on lunar or Martian environments and mass produce them for launch.

Comment Re:Bail Out (Score 1) 118

The desire to change the world, to make an impact, to work for yourself, to work with competent people and see ideas come to life have nothing to do with it, right?That's why they're prepared to *spend* $5B to reacquire the company they built. Money's a nice motivator and a great reward, but it is far, far from the only reason why someone might do something like this, especially with such a huge upfront investment. Come back when you've built something of your own.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
