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Comment golang (Score 1) 305

I have started looking at golang, and personally I wouldn't mind it taking over C. I realize it's a completely unrealistic scenario, and others will (strongly) disagree with me. But there you go.

Comment Re:Whats the problem (Score 1) 404

> simply because no advert could ever be long enough to capture the true nature of a science (or in fact, any) job.

I would say that it's impossible to do *for the people that do ads*. I can think of 3 or 4 different ways of capturing the nature of science in 30 seconds or less.

Trouble is, I know nothing about doing ads.

Comment The Ubuntu default is good enough for me (Score 1) 818

I use lots of computers (around 5). I have forced myself to learn Unity. It's not perfect, but it is good enough for me. I don't have to go and hack 5 machines to catter for a different taste.

I use vim for a similar reason. I manage around ~12 different servers via ssh. I can use the same editor in all of them. It was terrible at first, but now I'm ok.

Comment The rich and wealthy (Score 1) 329

I wouldn't worry about the copy staying similar to the original for too long.

The wealthy chinese soon will grow tired of the "common looking" of the houses, and will want to "improve" them. Preferably with lots of red and golden colors. And some neon lights.

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
