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Comment Re:No they cant. (Score 1) 151

Or "Snakes on a Plane". Which for some strange reason never made it to the inflight entertainment systems :-(

I saw "Memphis Belle" on a plane once, a few years ago. Some scenes were cut, but more because of the adult content than the planes being shot down.

1: This is pre Sep/11
2: This is pre seat-back entertainment systems, where everyone watched the same show on a screen at the front of the cabin
3: Yes I am that old

Comment Re:No they cant. (Score 1) 151

I've seen this used in one of the Die Hard films. The attackers took over a news channel and transmitted fake video of the white house being blown up - easier than actually blowing it up, and just as effective at creating panic.

Surely people wouldn't believe it. I mean, who would want to blow up the White house?

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 2) 162

That these breakdowns are lame excuses. If computers fails, have people forgot how to do the same process manually? It is better to halt all the flights than letting people through and risk "terrorists" flying? Are we that terrified?

You could just ask the questions that used to get asked back in the '50s. "Do you intend to bring down or otherwise defame the US government?"

Really. A UK humourist (Frank Muir?) wrote "Sole purpose of visit" on the form.

Comment Metric conversion problems (Score 0) 22

Notice how in one part of the summary, 100km is 62 miles. Then later it becomes 50 miles. Is this Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction at work? If the summary had meandered on, would the ratio increase further?

Odd how L-F contraction only affects imperial measurements. Maybe Haldane was right, and the universe is indeed queerer than we can imagine.

Comment Odds of birth problems may not be that high... (Score 1) 155

I'm one of many slashdotters (I'm sure) who's mother smoked while pregnant, drank (no doubt) as this behaviour wasn't seen as bad in the times (I was born in '59). No drugs, I suspect - can't imagine my mother (she's been gone 30 years) doing that!.

I'm not saying that smoking/drinking isn't bad for the unborn child, but the odds may not be as loaded that way as you'd think. And my parents both smoked all the way to their deaths. I've never smoked.

And yes, I'm normal - why do you ask?

Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 550

1) Something might go wrong

That's a pretty weak excuse. Something might go wrong while wearing glasses to. Maybe you'll get hit by a buss on the way to get new glasses. Oh MY!

FYI: there has never been a case of blindness from LASIK.

I had a my eyes done by a new process, and it all goes fine but sometimes hegfedufghfkki jjfhfjruubn nhiifiueeutr877u and then it comes back again, mostly. The important thing is ,mdskkpvppop jfvjvj kfjjr8868i ,ll. If that happen's then you're REALLY in trouble. Just remember that, if nothing else.

Comment Re:As someone that works at KSC (Score 1) 52

The real name of the building is M7-0355. This is most likely just going to involve a little sign in the lobby.

We've a 'Jean Batten Airport' down here in NZ. People still call it Auckland Airport.

(Who was Jean Batten? She invented the leather strap used on ships to secure loads: hence "batten down the hatches". Not sure why they named an airrport after her)

Comment "Moondust" (Score 1) 211

Finished this book recently: writer catches up with the living 'moonwalkers'. At that time, there were nine. We've lost Neil Armstrong since then (anyone have a website that gives current state of the NASA astronauts? Or the Soviet Cosmonauts?)

Anyhow - author (Andrew Smith) states that it's as if a decade of the 21st century had been dropped in to the 20th century. Good comment, I thought.

Comment Re:thank goodness because (Score 1) 291

1) No tax on breathing
2) One less revenue stream for government
3) More freedom for emitters of CO2
4) Happier plants since they need CO2

But plants don't vote. Correct me if wrong (just waiting for the first "I, for one, welcome our new vegetable overlords")...

Submission + - Archie Andrews to die (

Kittenman writes: With the net already awash with comments about Thor's sex-change, another revelation: Archie Andrews is scheduled to die in the very near future. Rolling Stone (and other sources) cover the comic characters upcoming demise. What will Veronica and Betty do? Will this cause a resurgence in Archie (and Jughead's) single, "Sugar Sugar"? Stay tuned.

Comment Re:I am a pilot and (Score 1) 468

This is the first step in phasing out pilots altogether and replacing us with computer programs.

Interesting thought, and I'm sure you're right. We're getting driverless cars, I guess pilotless planes are coming. We already have drones (pilotless attack aircraft), unmanned rockets, unmanned planetary rovers... I'm pretty sure there's unmanned sea vessels (anyone?) out there somewhere.

But a serious question. Is a plane safer or less safe with pilots? (Yes, I know that pilots can save the day sometimes. Other times they cause the crash. MH370 may yet be shown to be pilot suicide).

Once we know the answer to that question, we can follow the odds. Have a remote pilot able to 'log in' when something nasty happens, maybe.

Submission + - Wireless Contraception ( 1

Kittenman writes: The BBC is carrying information on a type of contraception (funded in part by Bill Gates) that takes the form of a microchip, inserted under the skin. The chip releases contraceptive hormones to the body until wirelessly advised not to do so, This 'Brave New World' has several interesting applications and issues associated with it. What about hackers? Could 'they' implant a chip into a child at birth and then suppress children being born, until the employment opportunities improve — or a war needs more troops? The chip will be available from 2018. This correspondent will watch the issues with interest.

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