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Comment I wonder how this compares to movies? (Score 1) 590

BTW, I'm getting ready to release a new FPS, called Grandpa's Revenge. Basically you're old, blind and in a wheel chair and you've lost your teeth. You must guide Grandpa around a old folks home and try to find his teeth. Various obstacles get in your way, such as getting raped by orderlies, forgetting what you were doing and dying.

Comment That's a tough situation (Score 1) 865

Your schedule basically means you cannot work out on days you work. You can do yourself a lot of good by working out vigorously for 1 to 2 hours on the days you do have off. Finding an extremely demanding sport like singles tennis, mountain biking or skateboarding, that really puts a strain on you cardiovascularly will help boost your metabolism through out the week. Weight lifting is your other friend, doing real strenuous intense weight lifting on the weekends will help you also. You'll be burning calories as your muscles rebuild. Finally, the only other thing you can address is your eating habits. Any sugary or starchy food is going to hit you hardest, next is other high calorie foods like fats and meats. You can fill up on raw and cooked whole vegetables and raw fruits. Cut out all prepackages foods and snacks. If all that fails metha-amphetamines is your only recourse. You could just be happy being fat, too.

Comment Re:Are you crazy? (Score 1) 691

That doesn't automatically make it Microsoft's fault. If your Mom gets raped, is it your Mom's fault? All operating systems and software have some kind potential weaknesses. Microsoft happens to be the big target. But, I'm sure you already know this. It's Microsoft's fault for having software that is so great it out numbers all other software 10 to 1 in popularity?

Comment really? REALLY? (Score 1) 188

For coding (not sensory input nirvana), it would be: Hardware: a notebook with an IBM keyboard, a quad core i7 processor, at least RAID 0 SSD drives, a gizillion terabytes of RAM (etc ridiculous performance). Maybe 3 24" monitors Environment: Hmm, maybe setup in a jacuzzi Project: Something cool to work on, inspirational, and pays well and appreciated, with technical freedom.

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