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Comment Re:Good. (Score 3, Insightful) 162

After a brief googling, the internets (who have been known to lie) seem to indicate that they will claim that if somebody managed to preform a fraudulent PIN transaction, that you were negligent (by allowing your PIN to become known).

Since this exploit seems to allow you to preform fraudulent PIN transactions without actually knowing the PIN, it really does kind of seem like in the case of fraud with this system and this exploit, the system is designed to place liability on the consumer. And if liability is being placed on the consumer, you might as well just use a debit card...

Comment Re:IMO (Score 1) 188

And to elaborate: if you don't think linux is a large enough market to warrant the (non-trivial) effort it takes to release on, then just don't do it. I'm used to games not releasing on linux, you won't hurt my feelings. Just don't get my hopes up and encourage me to spend money for something you didn't bother to test.

Comment Re:IMO (Score 1) 188

This. For instance, CortexCommand on linux segfaults whenever I kill crabs. This isn't exactly the sort of thing that would make me happy I spent money on software.

About 5 minutes of playtesting on linux would have caught this, I guess having major industry backing for your game really is worth something after all.

Comment Re:Homeopathic Medicine (Score 1) 430

Despite your average patient knowing next to nothing about medicine, you can be sure that the vast majority of them know that patients are not supposed to be told that they are taking a placebo. Being otherwise unfamiliar with testing procedure, it is quite likely that patients who were truthfully told they were taking a placebo suspected deception nevertheless. Basically, being told you are taking a placebo is different from 'knowing' you are taking a placebo.

But hell, maybe I'm wrong and the next time you get sick you should spin in a circle three times instead of going to the doctor. After all, even though you know it's bullshit it should still be just as effective, right? Right?

Comment Re:more leaks (Score 1) 394

Laws like the US Patriot Act, organizations like the TSA, and wars like Iraq are ill-conceived and ineffective; they are not part of an evil master plan to subjugate Americans or take over the world.

Don't be a fool. Apparent intent is meaningless, effect is all that matters.

"Sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice."

Comment Re:Make it static. (Score 5, Interesting) 586

he's not the dictatorial leader of wikileaks that everyone imagines. I wish there was both a way to verify this and a way to disseminate the info so that everybody else would realise

While true, it is not in wikileaks interest for this to become commonly known. Assange's job is to be the shit-shield for wikileaks, while everybody wastes their time hurling smear campaigns and arrest warrants against him, wikileaks is able to continue it's mission as before.

Do you notice the dozens and dozens of replies to every wikileaks article that follow the general form: "I wouldn't be opposed to wikileaks, but Assange is a [tool/jerk/douche/rapist/spy/...]"? That is wikileaks strategy in action. Since you are in on the truth, feel free to laugh at them :)

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