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Submission + - Open Sound System v4.0 announced

Dev Mazumdar writes: "4Front Technologies has finally announced Open Sound System v4.0 — the first major release since OSS v3 was announced back in 1996. The new audio architecture has a new virtual mixer engine that will mix any any audio app — mix DVD 5.1 multichannel with MP3 stereo with full duplex voip with game audio like DoomIII or Quake. The new virtual mixer engine gives each app its own volume control. OSS v4.0 comes with ALSA compatibility and Flash audio support. More information is at OSS v4.0 is available for Linux 2.6, Solaris 10, FreeBSD 6 and UnixWare 7. Best regards Dev Mazumdar"

Submission + - Google Launches New Privacy Policy

* * Beatles-Beatles writes: "When we implement this policy change in the coming months, we will continue to keep server log data (so that we can improve Google's services and protect them from security and other abuses) — but will make this data much more anonymous, so that it can no longer be identified with individual users, after 18-24 months. s-to-further-improve-our.html"
Linux Business

Submission + - First Sighting of Pirated Linux

mpapet writes: A Linux distribution called Pioneer Linux distributed by TechAlign Inc. may be the first ever to claim that Linux can be pirated. The Pioneer Linux distro boldly declares As a business, you should purchase a copy of Pioneer and not pirate it.

Their announcement of a new re-branded Ubuntu distro on states, " commercial establishments will be required to purchase a copy...". See the announcement.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot Cookbook: tofu

This next recipe is supposed to be made with scallops, but tofu is a great substitute here: Tofu-Cucumber stir-fry


Submission + - Drug selectively removes rats memory

rednuhter writes: Nature online is reporting scientists have used drugs to selectively remove one memory while unaffecting another. Musical tones were played to the rats and at the same time the subjects were given a mild electric shock. Half the study group were given the drug (not approved for use in humans) and then the experiment was repeated with a new tone. The following day the rats that had not been given the treatment were afraid of both tones while the treated half were only afraid of the second tone, the memory of fear of the first had been erased.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Is Gentoo in crisis?

TheCoop1984 writes: "A recent article on distrowatch, and an extended thread on the gentoo forums, have pointed out that gentoo is not what it used to be. Daniel Robbins came back and went again after only a few days, developer turnover is as high as ever, personal attacks on the mailing lists are common, and people are generally not happy about the current state of affairs. Is gentoo rotting from the inside, and can anything be done about it?"

Trolltech Qtopia Greenphone and SDK Review 37

An anonymous reader writes "The Greenphone comes at a time when there are countless mobile Linux platforms, but not many of them are open for easy development. This little device aims to fill a niche for a community-oriented mobile development platform. How does it perform? has the Trolltech Qtopia Greenphone and SDK review."
Linux Business

Submission + - French "assemblé nationale" moves

UbuntuHappyUser writes: French "assemblé nationale" (On of the two french chambers) is migrating (in French) to Ubuntu Linux, Firefox and OpenOffice for all of its 577 representatives and their assistants.
Linux Business

Submission + - French government choose Ubuntu Linux for National

uberspider writes: It's been talked about for some time, but finally the French government has finally chosen the standard operating system and applications for its National Assembly, of course its Linux not Microsoft. But more suprisingly the French didn't choose the local distro Mandriva, but instead it chose the seemingly unstoppable Ubuntu distro, according to this ZDnet article (in French) here.

The news was also picked up by Investment and Business News

"Whilst France is currently in the throws of a vicious election campaign, it seems that quietly in the background another victory has taken place. The victory isn't just for freedom, it seems that the victory is for free software."

The article goes on to indicate momentum for Linux on the desktop in France after the Peugeot deal as well

"That Linux is accelerating rapidly in the server market is not in doubt, that it is now starting to make headway on the desktop should be a strong indicator of things to come."

Wednesday Is Pi Day 282

mrbluze points us to an AP writeup on the upcoming Pi Day — 3-14 (which some will observe at 1:59 pm). The article notes: "[T]he world record [for reciting the number Pi] belongs to Chao Lu, a Chinese chemistry student, who rattled off 67,890 digits over 24 hours in 2005. It took 26 video tapes to submit to Guinness," and mentions in passing a Japanese mental health counselor who last fall recited 100,000 digits, but did not choose to submit proof to the record book.

Submission + - Opera /. easter egg and new speed dial feature

Thelomen writes: Opera Browser contains a fairly unknown Easter Egg: Simply type /. in the address bar and you are taken directly to This easter egg was recently reported over at .

Other recent news from Opera is their new Speed Dial feature, precent in the most recent build from Desktop Team. Speed Dial is nothing more than 9 bookmarks you can open with CTRL+1 to CTRL+9, however the pages on the Speed Dial are shown as a thumbnail and automatically prefetched in background, making it ideal if you have some heavy pages among your top 10 bookmarks, and you may come to use this feature much more than you thought.

Journal Journal: Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis on Youtube

Looking around and I found some of the Stargate episodes that have not played in the U.S. yet. The next most of them have been copyright claimed by MGM. I am not sure why this is, maybe just because they haven't aired in the U.S. yet? Well I'm going to ask some people look around some more and find out whats up.

Submission + - Hans Reiser up for trial

An anonymous reader writes: According to German IT news site , Hans Reiser will soon be up for trial.

The content of the link, Babelfished and slightly polished, reads as follows:

The namesake and creator of the file systems ReiserFS and Reiser4, Hans Reiser, will probably have to appear in front of a California court shortly, due to the accusation of murder. Reiser has been behind bars since the middle of October 2006, after his wife Nina at the end of of Septembers living in separation disappeared without trace. In house and car of the Linux programmer traces of his wife's blood were found.

Although the police could not find a corpse, the judge found that there are sufficient reasons to believe that Reiser must have been at least involved in the disappearing of his wife. For example is still missing the passenger seat of Reisers car, which was removed short time after Nina Reisers disappearing. Reisers lawyer assumes now within the next 90 days officially accusation is raised against its mandator.

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