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Comment Re:not unusual, no privacy or property issue (Score 0, Troll) 263

If those in power wish to [continue] to do so, they will suffer the same fate as their predecessors have; they will eventually be replaced.

I keep hearing around here about this whole revolution thing that's supposed to change everything...and yet it never happens. If this keeps up, I'm going to start just dismissing these threats of revolution as just idle talk, meant to make the speaker feel better about himself, and nothing more.


Submission + - Music blogs wrongly deleted for infringement (

AnotherUsername writes: Recently, many music blogs were deleted for hosting mp3s of songs by various artists. The problem? The music blogs in question had been given permission to host the songs, and often, the older links to mp3s were often broken intentionally by the bloggers in order to save bandwidth.

From the article: "You’re reading this right: Five years of Lipold’s labor of love was deleted, in part, because he posted a track with full permission of a label, and the track apparently wasn’t even online by the time the IFPI filed its complaint."

Comment Re:Kill the Pork (Score 1) 340

Deficit spending has been shown to help keep an economy above water long enough for it to come out on its own. It is only when deficit spending continues after the economic crisis, without any hint of paying it back, that it becomes a problem.

The reason lenders are so uncertain about the future is because of the predatory lending practices that helped get us into this mess. The kinds of predatory lending practices that came about because of deregulation. The lenders were bitten because they played with a cobra, and now they are afraid to even handle a worm. This hasn't stopped their executives from giving themselves huge bonuses, of course. Gotta keep the economy moving, you know, and what better way than to buy a new yacht or three.

I agree that pork is bad(unless it actually came from a pig, and then it is delicious), but you are connecting some things with it that are separate issues.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 218

All I am saying, is that if you truly believe that intellectual property should be completely free, for people to do with how they please, you will be all for taking the first step, and anything you create will instantly be free for everyone, with no strings attached. Enjoy making a living off of that.

Believe it or not, but intellectual property rights are needed. If there were none, and people were free to take what they wanted from day one, nobody would ever be able to turn a profit. Businesses would collapse. Technology would be set back generations. Or do you have some kind of fund that will provide you billions every year for R&D, production, and distribution of products?

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