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Comment Re:so what? (Score 1) 745

I tend to agree. If the USA wasn't running wars with no clear finish line to support military industrial complex lobbyists and interest groups you would have trillions of dollars to spend on health, education, infrastructure etc. Seriously how do you guys do it? Even if you spent those trillions on subsidies to get manufacturing back into your country you would be better off than waging a single war (let alone at least three - drugs, iraq, afganistan), you'd have a stimulated economy and jobs. Instead your letting China buy your bonds so you can expose yourself to even higher debt levels... the very country that we continually get told is hacking you guys left right and center. The very country that has all the ex-USA jobs shipped overseas, while those with jobs piss into the wind to bail out gready wall street execs and coprorations with more rights than the people and cash to nullify the law. At the same time you ship your youth off to be killed and injured by people on the other side of the world who will continue to do so because of religious belief. It's not a war to them, it is a way of life, fighting them just fuels their hatred. In return you generate more agression towards your country which only then serves to provide an excuse for your civil and human rights to be taken away right in front of your faces and your children molested and radiated at airports. You guys truely deserve the title 'Planet America' because you are so far down the WTF hole the rest of the world is stunned and views you in some kind of alternate reality. I don't know if Ron Paul can fix this but you have to do something massive and out of the box or you guys are screwed. I'm not hating on Americans but seriously the rest of the world has a front row seat to a film called 'How to implode an empire'.

Comment Re:Peer ban hammer (Score 1) 601

It is not happening in the US so why draw that comparison? Contrary to what the US believes US law doesn't apply everywhere. If it did the US couldn't create legal black holes such as Guantanamo when it suits their needs. Oh and how can one 'intrude' on a global, multi jurisdiction public network? And all proxies are masquerading on behalf of other peers. Fake information is illegal? Facebook and Google might want you to think so but.... in a word... No.

Comment Re:And who were the attackers? (Score 1) 114

So basically the USA is *still* not taking steps to secure its critical infrastructure networks and other countries including China are still taking advantage of said lack of security. Wow! News at eleven. Meanwhile the US and her allies are doing the same thing back. Australias DSD motto is "Reveal their secrets, protect our own" I'm sure teams in the NSA and CIA have similiar mottos. The idea of good guys vs bad guys because of the lattitude and longitude of where your mothers uterus deployed you is stupid. Everyone is doing it... you just don't hear about your team because reporting on it would be unpatriotic and not in the national interest.

Comment Re:Why do people ask questions like these? (Score 1) 530

"I am only interested in general purpose work, utilities"

They (all reasonably mainstream languages) are all fine for this. You can even get the free version of visual studio and do C# / VB.Net and by learning the libraries of one pretty much know everything you need for the other. C# is a lot like Java and flicking from one to the other is easy as is stepping down to C++ or over to Javascript. I'd say Java / C#. Both free, both compliment the other and MSDN is huge, seriously HUGE in depth and breadth. C# will also lead into powershell which may be better suited to what you want to do potentially.


Seinfeld's Good Samaritan Law Now Reality? 735

e3m4n writes "The fictitious 'good samaritan' law from the final episode of Seinfeld (the one that landed them in jail for a year) appears to be headed toward reality for California residents after the house passed this bill. There are some differences, such as direct action is not required, but the concept of guilt by association for not doing the right thing is still on the face of the bill."

Colliding Particles Can Make Black Holes After All 269

cremeglace writes with this excerpt from ScienceNOW: "You've heard the controversy. Particle physicists predict the world's new highest-energy atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland, might create tiny black holes, which they say would be a fantastic discovery. Some doomsayers fear those black holes might gobble up the Earth — physicists say that's impossible — and have petitioned the United Nations to stop the $5.5 billion LHC. Curiously, though, nobody had ever shown that the prevailing theory of gravity, Einstein's theory of general relativity, actually predicts that a black hole can be made this way. Now a computer model shows conclusively for the first time that a particle collision really can make a black hole." That said, they estimate the required energy for creating a black hole this way to be roughly "a quintillion times higher than the LHC's maximum"; though if one of the theories requiring compact extra dimensions is true, the energy could be lower.

Man Uses Drake Equation To Explain Girlfriend Woes 538

artemis67 writes "A man studying in London has taken a mathematical equation that predicts the possibility of alien life in the universe to explain why he can't find a girlfriend. Peter Backus, a native of Seattle and PhD candidate and Teaching Fellow in the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick, near London, in his paper, 'Why I don't have a girlfriend: An application of the Drake Equation to love in the UK,' used math to estimate the number of potential girlfriends in the UK. In describing the paper on the university Web site he wrote 'the results are not encouraging. The probability of finding love in the UK is only about 100 times better than the probability of finding intelligent life in our galaxy.'"

PhD Candidate Talks About the Physics of Space Battles 361

darthvader100 writes "Gizmodo has run an article with some predictions on what future space battles will be like. The author brings up several theories on propulsion (and orbits), weapons (explosives, kinetic and laser), and design. Sounds like the ideal shape for spaceships will be spherical, like the one in the Hitchhiker's Guide movie."

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