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Comment Re:really? (Score 4, Insightful) 1258

There's a different between trust and faith. I trust scientists because I can go over their data and validate their conclusions. I could even (theoretically) perform the same experiments to see if I get the same data. Believing the Bible or my priest or my religious grandma requires blind faith, because there is no data to analyse, and there are no experiments to repeat.

Comment Work is not the place for proselytising (Score 4, Insightful) 743

From the TFA:

He [...] handed out DVDs on the idea [intelligent design] while at work

The question is whether the plaintiff was fired simply because he was wasting people's time and bothering them in ways that would have led him to being fired regardless of whether it was about religion or whether he was treated worse based on the religiosity of his beliefs.

The former.

Comment I beg to differ (Score 1) 376

Physical textbooks lack:

  • portability - Fair enough
  • durability - No. Show me an iPad that can survive being run over by a car and then getting soaked.
  • accessibility - What does that even mean when you're talking about books?
  • consistent quality - Putting them on iPads isn't going to fix this.
  • interactivity - Fair enough again. But is this needed?
  • and searchability - Ever heard of an index?

What Apple has really done is taken a cornered market (students being forced to buy new editions every year) and changed the entity doing the cornering from something students hate (publishers) to something students blindly adore (Apple).

Comment There's no question fraud is happening. (Score 5, Informative) 304

I have family in Russia. One of them told me about their colleague, a woman who's responsible for signing the ballot count. The votes are counted, the Communist Party is a clear winner in that riding, and she signs. Someone from United Russia then brings her a different paper, with the count modified to make United Russia (Putin's party) win. She says "I can't sign this, this is fraud." "Sign it." "No, I can't." "Sign it or you'll lose your job." Her meager salary is already not enough to live on, she can't afford to lose it. So she signs.

Comment Creating problems where there weren't any (Score 1, Insightful) 803

This, bizarrely, reminds me of an article on feminism, and how, having won the major gender inequality battles, they're starting to pick silly fights where a rational person would see no fight to pick.

I think something similar is happening here, and with Ubuntu's Unity and maybe GNOME 3 as well. Having achieved a big chunk of what they set out to achieve, they start looking for the next big goal, but there's no next big goal to be found, so they just invent something utterly ridiculous. The file system is fine, just leave it be. All the newbies need to know about is their home directory, and those who need to know about the entire file system are perfectly fine with how it's currently laid out.

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