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Comment Re:A note (Score 1) 586

Actually Canada and Saudi Arabia are about the same on imports.

However the real thing to be said, is that since oil is a fungible commodity, what he really thinks he's supposed to be accomplishing.

Only way to cut profits from oil, is to make oil less valuable.


Oh and incidentally, Canadian oil is environmentally kind of a disaster.

Comment Re:The real reason (Score 1) 586

What did Brazil do?

Only a tiny fraction of Brazil's transportion fuel is ethanol.

You're missing out that a huge amount of their fleet is diesel, and natural gas.

And how they produce nearly as much oil domestically as Venezuela (i.e. America's second highest oil importer, higher than Saudi Arabia)

Comment Re:Easy (Score 1) 586

Even if it's powered by the dirtiest Coal plants available, it'd still be cleaner than conventional cars.

As for batteries, both Nickel and Lithium are nontoxic, and easily recyclable.
(Not to mention, Nickel is the 5th most common element on earth. So it's not that "rare".)

What's more, if we are going to solve anything with global warming, we would need to upgrade our grid anyways.
And it takes about 20 years to shift over to a new car fleet. So we best get started ASAP.

Luckily, we have options:

Comment Re:Ethanol pluses and minuses (Score 1) 586

No, the big "bugaboo" is that there just isn't enough raw material.

Here for instance is a study which gives the unrealistic assumptions of SugarCane production/conversion efficiency, for half of all available arable land. And even then, with such wildly unrealistic assumptions, the figures are still abysmally low.

And of course the already serious global scarcity on Potassium and Phosphorous.

And given the growing populations this planet is expected to have, it would be rather criminal to place event further scarcity on those resources.

Comment Re:Thermodynamics please (Score 1) 570

Not to mention, it's a dramatically better option than dirty biofuels or liquid coal.

Trick of course being, it's not really possible to have enough biomass anyways.
So it's really a question of temporarily using coal, and moving to cleaner electricity.
Or liquefying coal, shale and tar sands, using that till it kills us.

Khosla obviously though thinks biofuels are wonderful.

Comment Thermodynamics please (Score 1) 570

You know, coming from slashdot, I would have thought you'd have an understanding of thermodynamics.
Or at least try to make a look into things before making a kneejerk response.

Even if it's powered by the dirtiest Coal plants available, it'd still be cleaner than conventional cars.

As for batteries, both Nickel and Lithium are nontoxic, and easily recyclable.
(Not to mention, Nickel is the 5th most common element on earth. So it's not that "rare".)

What's more, if we are going to solve anything with global warming, we would need to upgrade our grid anyways.
And it takes about 20 years to shift over to a new car fleet. So we best get started ASAP.

Luckily, we have options:

Comment Re:Use the Cloud (Score 1) 366

Well one problem with Appigo Todo, is that it's essentially Mac Only for the Desktop

Although Toodledo's website works well enough.
Especially since I have a shortcut like this:
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --app=""

And I use the official Toodledo app on my ipod touch.

As for Calendar, I'd suggest maybe giving this app a try:
Pretty handy to be able to edit calendar items when on the go.

As for NoteSpark, I'll look into that one. But recently ToodleDo added the ability to put Notes into it's syncing.
Before I also tried using GoogleDocs with MightDocs. But that wasn't editable on the ipod.

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