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Comment Re:I Like Unity (Score 1) 441

And how OS X is idiotic?

Did you know that Canonical have not invented anything new in Unity but just making everything even more limited (shortcuts and all of those) when compared over decade old shortcuts and functions of mainstream desktops?

Comment Re:It's not just that (Score 1) 492

Did Gmail start with so small amount? I faintly remember 1Gb but today it is 10GB.
But Gmail 1GB was something never heard when Hotmail gave 5-10MB.

And what new Skydrive users get? 7GB instead 25Gb.

And lets think about it.... Google has youtube for videos, what is size limit there per user?
Videos takes more space than pictures or documents what Skydrive users need to push to their storage instead video service.
Youtube allows 2GB size videos and 15-minutes or 20GB if using newer browsers and old users can send over 15min videos.

So think about it, Google user sends two 15GB 1080P HD videos to youtube and it is already pass what Skydrive can hold and share it to their friends only.

Picasa offers 1GB for pictures but basicly unlimited for Google+ users:
[quote]It allows users with accounts at Google to store and share 1 GB of large photos for free. Storage is unlimited for photos 2048x2048 pixels or smaller for Google+ users, and for photos 800x800 for everyone else. Videos less than 15 minutes long also don't count towards the limit. After the limit is reached, photos are automatically resized.[17][/quote]

For 1Gb you can give lots of photos for sharing when just making their size a smarter, instead trying to push those full 10Mpix images what takes time to load etc.

I just upgraded 7GB amount to 25GB in skydrive but I don't have a use for it. Data what I have in Google is about 3GB (all emails, images, videos etc) and I have lots of emails and images, none of the videos.

So MS marketing of "25GB skydrive" is just like competing "I have 50 000m house when you just have 120m". Oh yeah... "good for you".
So how about just buying a extra 32GB as MicroSD card to smartphone and you have faster, more and full control of your data and sync them to your home computer? Oh yeah, sorry, Windows Phone users can not do that!

Comment Re:Let's just say (Score 1) 492

Gmail when compared to Hotmail, Yahoo! etc at that time
Chrome GUI
Picasa new versions after bought
Youtube new GUI and features after bought
Android (development side) and its commercial use (strategy of open source)
Google translation
Google goggles
Google maps
Google street view ....

And webkit is work done by KDE.... oh wait... it is Open Source!

Google has lots of fancy and cool projects and services, but most are not even known my avarage users because they only use google search and see ads chosen by site admins or use Android phones.

I even think that "innovation" is today overused word. Everyone tries to do such while what we need is just a small steps and small improvements and polishing. Not huge changes and new awesome features with AMAZING! slogans.

Comment Re:DoNotWant (Score 1) 282

I think it would be. I would gladly take best GUI for different device than "one-must-fit-for-all" GUI what then is terrible on all of them.

Soon we are back at command line and we have just gone trough a loop from CLI to simple GUI to terrible and ugly GUI to bling bling GUI to simple GUI to CLI.
Yes, I love my CLI for emails, IM, torrents, file management, process management etc... I so much hope that today files would be as much as possible pure text and they could be tweaked and piped like Unix configuration files etc.

Cant we go back to old pure txt documents without fancy graphics? :D

Comment Re:Here comes the complaning... (Score 1) 737

And that is reason why people can not do work like?

Like what people should possible do with Photoshop what GIMP can not do? And don't say anything about CMYK or some very special needs.
GIMP offers almost all tools what are needed and only limit is your imagination and vision to see it trough how to make it.
Photoshop is so much used with scripts and automatic functions. And because Photoshop isn't good for Photographers, Adobe made Lightroom for that purpose for them.

Comment Re:Application Frame (Score 1) 737

What is very smart move because OS X has great window manager what includes awesome features like Exposé and Mission Control and Virtual Desktops.
Adobe knew that graphic artist use multiple screens and they scatter stuff around them. And to quickly find a other image, you don't need to use any list or alt tabbing. You just swing mouse or press shortcut to summon Expose effect and you see at glance every open image and window and you just click what you want.

Windows has window manager what lacks all the awesome and useful features.
So far best is KWin what allows to make even custom rules per application or per window and own shortcuts for those as well if application does not have them.
Support for multiple displays, virtual desktops and advanced window manager is something what is not supported in single window mode.

Thanks that at least GIMP developers maintained the possibility to switch back to better multi-window mode instead that stupid single window mode what only wanna-be Photoshop and Windows users have demanded so much.

And who doesn't remember or know how Exposé was presented to world

Comment Re:Libre Office (Score 1) 245

Erh.... Why should Office document, spreadsheet, presentation tools offer email-client, email-server, ftp/ssh-server (with webdav etc)? Why not throw a file picker, instant messaging, video call, video editor, photo editor, SVG editor, 3D modeler, DVD-maker, CD/DVD burner, anti-virus, disk/file de-fragmenter.... only thing what is missing is a good office package.

MS Office is for office use like Emacs is for text editing, anything but a....

So why not use separate softwares what does one thing and one thing well?
You can build a own server room with exactly needed servers and software what you like. You don't need one office package to give you all.

Oh, wait a minute, how about standards so it does not matter who use what software as all would work together? Ah, I see... Microsoft does not like that idea at all!

Comment Re:Libre Office (Score 1) 245

Yes, anybody can load and install it. It is very capable software, I use it. But I have started to prefer google docs because I can just drop working and take a hike to road or change workstation without worrying did I save the document and where I did and how I get it.

But what I want, is to now build a owncloud system behind a Plug-PC what would have just enough space for me (250GB is enough) and mount that to all Unix workstations for me and family members.

Comment Re:Good luck (Score 1) 324

I would not care about official support as much as official possibility to BUY games for Linux.

Steam is wonderful online storage when compared to EA own Origin system or almost any other.
What Apple did for Music and Movies, Steam did for PC gaming and is now doing it for Mac gaming as well and can do it for Linux gaming.

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