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Comment Re:End result (Score 1) 300

Damn Straight. You don't get to use the "private entiry" or "choose a different mode of travel" arguments until I can start an airline with different security features.

My airline would require all passengers to carry and assert proficiency with a firearm. If you are proficient but not equipped, a loaded handgun can be provided for an extra fee, but all passengers over the minimum age would be required to carry.

You may not like my airline. You might never fly on my airline. But if I can't run that business and compete fairly, you don't get to tell me that it's a free country.

Comment Re:No Windows 7 Mobile on ARM (Score 1) 159

You are confusing two things here. Windows 7 is a PC OS. The article you linked and your comments are correct about that, it does not support ARM.

The other issue is Windows Phone 7. It is a complete break from previous versions of Windows Mobile. Neither is a desktop OS, and both run on ARM processors. It is not wrong to claim that Windows Phone 7 is completely new, redesigned from the ground up. It is as they claim.

Microsoft is betting on Windows Phone software for one part of its mobile story, and that part runs on ARM. The other side of the coin is the PC Windows side, which is betting on building more full-PC-function and backwards-compatible tablets than iOS and Andriod can. They may lose that bet, but it's not as confusing as you make it out to be.

Comment Kinect Will Win In Some Markets (Score 1) 130

Did any of you see the demo of "Dance Central" at E3 this year? It was amazing! Dance Dance Revolution has sold millions; the dance and excercise market for video game consoles is not small. No other console can compete with the ability to simultaneously track arms, legs, head, and body for use in a dance or exercise game. I'm convinced that once this is out there and you can try it at your friend's house or the store, you'll see that all other dance and exercise games are obsolete. The full body immersive experience you can get with Kinect is far superior to anything you can get with a dance pad or handheld wands.

From the demos I've seen, I'm convinced that this will sell really well in the dance, exercise, and sports genres. Microsoft also hopes to bring non-gamers into the fold with this release, and I have no idea how well it will do on that front. But the technology is a nice leap forward. I look forward to seeing what MS and other game developers can do with it.

Comment There are safer ways to teach children about guns (Score 1) 1343

I'm in a similar situation. My guns are either locked up or on my person at all times, but I take different defense in depth measures to prevent this sort of accident if I screw up and leave a gun within reach of my small children. I don't ban toy guns, but I do make sure they are easily distinguished from the real thing. Kids love toy guns, and I'm not convinced banning them from your home makes much difference either way. What I DO make sure of is that my kids can tell the difference, and know to treat them differently.

From the age of two or so, I have the kids handle the each of my real guns so they know what they feel like, in contrast to the toys. The weight, the material, the smell, all make it easy to tell real from fake. And I drill them that if they see a real gun anywhere, they need to tell us immediately so we can lock it up. I actually talk about the possibility of this scenario, where I forgot that I put it down somewhere, and they need to tell me about it. This can be taught much earlier than safe gun handling and firing, which I don't start until around five or six, and not with handguns at that age.

I then test them on it. I leave the real gun out somewhere, like on the bathroom counter, with fake bullets loaded in the magazine, or with the gun disabled somehow depending on model. So far, each test has resulted in correct behavior, with all of my kids. Let me repeat that I don't rely on this, and I don't expect to leave a gun lying around anytime soon. It is just defense in depth, because I don't want to end up in a story like this one.


Comment Re:Seriously, what sick f added a "darwin" tag? (Score 1) 1343

In spirit, the parents responsible for this just removed their progeny from the gene pool, thus removing their own. I understand why that sounds like a Darwin award. But the rules are clear. Killing an innocent doesn't count, and it left the offending parents able to reproduce again. No Darwin award for these morons.

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