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Submission + - Atom processors break power efficiency benchmark (itnews.com.au)

schliz writes: German researchers have set a new record for energy efficient data sorting with a system based on netbook processors and Solid State Disks (SSD). The system, dubbed EcoSort, more than tripled the power efficiency of former record holders, leading one of its developers to claim: "In the long run, many small, power-efficient and cooperating systems are going to replace the so far used, heavy weighted ones."

Records were defined by 'Sort Benchmark', which was created by missing Microsoft scientist Jim Gray and was now managed by representatives of companies like of Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft.

Submission + - Bill Gates On Energy 1

oranGoo writes: While a few days ago we read how Google gets US approval to buy and sell energy, Bill Gates delivers a talk on TED 2010 called Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero! (no pun intended), on how to reduce carbon emissions 80% by 2050 using solutions such as traveling wave reactor. The talk gets increasingly interesting towards the end and raises, once again, the questions on discrepancy of public, governmental and scientific opinions on the matter.

Comment Re:nevermind the blind -- bring on the androids (Score 0) 226

Hm, I wonder if it is really so - the high resolution part of the eye actually has quite high dynamic range . That is why photos of the scenes with high difference of darker and lighter areas look flat as compared to memory of the scene. Eye adapts, with more or less delay, depending if you look from light to dark or from dark to light, with more resolution/range then the current image formats. HDR (if not overexposed) actually looks more realistic if you concentrate on the details.
We have yet to see a camera with lenses as small as the pupil that will allow for reproduction of the photographed image on the same level of visual quality as the image stored in memory (good test would be that a memory of an scene and memory of looking at the photograph is of same visual quality).

And regarding the resolution - VGA does not mean anything without angle of view. Eye has a resolution of 0.3 arc minutes minutes which VGA would cover if it was applied to approx 2 degrees of field of vision.

Comment Don't be scared of Google... (Score -1, Offtopic) 218

Here's their plan:
1. Get the president to allow building new nuclear power plants
2. Get the license to sell energy
3. Build plants and wait for fuel crisis to reach climax,
4. Cash on nuclear
5. Finally do good: with enough cash Google finally goes head to head with Microsoft and turns it into an open source company

See, their intentions are noble!

Comment Re:Slashdot could use the help (Score 1) 406

He's right though; the user cares about the response time between their action and the final result.

I know that, but he asked what the difference was between SPDY and output compression. The difference is that SPDY decreases the latency, and output compression decreases the total message length.

SPDY (from the TFA):

- does decrease total message length by compressing request headers

- multiplexes streams (so there needn't be a new connection for every single request)

- prioritizes requests (will make easier for servers to prioritize noise=ads)

All of these aim to decrease 'web latency'.

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