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Comment Re:Use more, pay more (Score 1) 301

"If you're using the service more, you should expect to pay more."

disclaimer: complainant here: I agree with this. But there is not an option for it, nor an option to _not use the service more_ *and pay the same* (just happening to be running an openarena game server instead of skyping like your next door neighbor, but using no more bandwidth than your neighbor).

Comment Re:I'll be donating to the EFF again this week. (Score 1) 301

disclaimer: complainant here who hasn't RTFA yet. My standard response to the business issue is this quote from the FCC Network Neutrality document-

FCC-10-201 Report and Order Preserving the Open Internet:
(*** emphasis mine ***)
Startups and small businesses benefit because the Internet’s openness enables ***anyone connected to the network to reach and do business with anyone else***,(16) allowing even the smallest and most remotely located businesses to access national and global markets, and contribute to the economy through e-commerce

Comment Re:As someone who HASN'T (Score -1, Offtopic) 555

disclosure: complainant here- I'd consider it a favor if someone would mod the parent up. The comment it is responding to is 4-informative, and seems in my view to give sanction to the whitewashing of- well, if everybody has been making these blatant marketing lies about unlimited bandwidth while massaging the network for their maximum profits and convenience (engineering lazyness in part) at the expense of free speech empowerment for residential users (I would argue perhaps the most important class of internet end-points or edges)... Anyway, you get my point.

Comment Re:Don't be evil (some of the time) (Score 2, Insightful) 555

As far as this example, this so called net neutrality issue is not even what net neutrality is all about. Further, ALL broadband providers have limitations on offering services (mail, web, game, blogs) on residential connections. Comcast, Roadrunner, AT&T, all of them).

disclaimer: claimant here: No, you are wrong. Look up TimeWarner's ToS.

Comment Re:Don't be evil (some of the time) (Score 0) 555

disclosure: complainant here. I disagree, as mentioned elsewhere about any legitimacy to commercial vs non-commercial. The point I make there is - when you trade your eyeball attention at google ads in exchange for an advanced gmail cloud service, you are engaging in commercial internet traffic. By capitalistic theory, you wouldn't be doing it if you didn't feel you'd profit from it. And in this case, the profit can be measured in dollars. Next, the way your last sentence sounds makes sense, but again, you are mistankenly tying different levels of SLA with "commercial/noncommercial". Correlation is not causation, though this is another case where that gets easily confused. I.e, call it "high-grade vs low-grade" service all you like and charge different prices. Just don't tell me that how much I profit personally as an end-user from a fixed number of packets determines how much I get charged from them. We don't need that extra taxman in the picture.

Comment Re:No, it is simple economics (Score 0) 555

I cannot say where you draw the line, in reality a lot of it would be based on usage. They really do not care if a small time carpenter has a website

dislosure- complainant here: The *point* is that I don't care what they "don't care about". What I care about is being *free* to run that carpenter website, without feeling *guilty that I am willfully violating the simple and clear wording of a contract I entered into*.

That is the problem.

Comment Re:FCC Troll? (Score 1) 555

Google's not stopping you from developing the next great thing, nor will they lower the priority of your packets when you do. They just don't want you doing it on a line that the TOS specifically says you can't.

disclosure: complainant here. And I'm pointing out that the Network Neutrality rules forbid the blocking of traffic to *any/all* legal devices. They don't get to, either in their switches and routers, or in their terms of service, decide that my linux pc running an openarena server has less worthy traffic than my neighbor uploading lol-cat videos to youtube. Otherwise the network operators would be in too great a position to effectively shape and dominate the internet devices marketplace. Which of course they'd all love to do. Even Google.

Comment Re:No, it is simple economics (Score 1, Insightful) 555

I think more specifically, non commercial, and no public services.
Sure, you can torrent a terabyte of movies, but don't open up a website offering terabytes of movies to everyone.

What about a linux pc running an apache/web and openarena/game servers serving personal photos to friends and family? How about a custom carpenter showing off his work for potential customers to see and a phone number to call to arrange payment and shipment? Where exactly do you draw that line? Network Neutrality is about the idea that the network operator doesn't get to draw that line. They have to treat traffic as traffic. It doesn't matter whether it was a carpenter's server eating up traffic, or a chronic lol-cat youtube uploader. They have to deal with such congestion in ways that do not give preference to any lawful application, service, or device. Otherwise it won't be long till only Google branded, or Google certified devices are allowed to be used with your Google connection (bit of an exageration, the actual road forward will be subtler, but with as much as they can get away with that helps drive up their overall profits).

Comment Re:Don't be evil (some of the time) (Score 0) 555

On a side note, I reject the premise of this headline. I don't think offering a nobbled residential plan that doesn't allow for you to run a server - allowing Google to drive people onto a more expensive business plan that frees you from these constraints - is an assault to net neutrality. That's akin to charging more for a static IP address. It's just segmenting your market to extract better profits.

disclosure: complainant here- I like that you brought up the idea of charging for static IP addresses. I agree that IPv4 addresses are a scarcity, and thus it may be reasonable to charge for them. Do you think it is reasonable to charge for a static IPv6 address? Do you realize how not-a-scarcity they are?

Comment Re:This is normal ISP policy (Score 1) 555

Yes, bash on Google for stating what they did, but pretty much NO ISP provider to home connections allow servers on them.

So wrong... Look up TimeWarner's ToS as a start. I'm sure there are others. It's actually precisely because of network neutrality and how a server is a "lawful device". Google made a boo boo in not figuring that out much sooner.

Comment Re:and so the internet dies. (Score 1) 555

complainant here, please mod (*THE PARENT*) up, which contains this text-
subject: and so the internet dies

The whole original IDEA was peer to peer networking that could route around damage. Somehow, we've let it become "everything gets routed through a few big players, and they can tell you what packets you can send and receive".

Sad thing is, this direction has been BLINDINGLY obvious for over a decade, easy. But nobody cared. It's only going to get worse and worse, until the internet is TV 2.0, just like the media companies wanted. And we - the internet using public - sat idly by and let them do it.

Comment Re:Misleading Article (Score 0) 555

I don't really see why anybody would want to use a home ISP connection for business uses.

I think you lack imagination. Ponder the resiliance of bittorrent as a file distribution service. If one 'server' goes down for an hour or a day, it's not a big deal if there are at least a few other servers perhaps hundreds of miles away that can pick up the slack temporarily.

Comment Re:Troll much? (Score 0) 555

If you read any amount of my complaint you would understand that I am not trolling. Network Neutrality does not allow network providers to charge one rate for non-commercial traffic, and another for commercial traffic. Go read it. Really.

Comment Re:Another failure of "unlimited" bandwidth (Score 2) 555

you are right. In the sense that if every customer read that deep into the fine print, compared to the BOLD advertising claims alone, then it could not be considered "fraud". However it *can* then be considered a Network Neutrality violation, because a Quake3 server is just as legal a device to connect to the internet as an android tablet.

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