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Comment Re:Life is not fair (Score 1) 785

But in this case the higher salary is being paid to attract a recruit with the right skill set. It's nothing to do with seniority or age. It's simple supply/demand - there are probably more programmers with the same skills as the older dev, and fewer with the new, hot skills.

Comment Re:Marketing Gone Wrong (Score 1) 333

Actually plain soap doesn't do shit. It's an emulsifier, not a panacea. Plain soap simply binds oils and water, the theory being that if you take the oil off your skin you're magically "clean". It does not "kill" "germs" (the non-scientific catchall term which includes viruses which aren't even alive in the first place according to the classical definition of life) any more than other emulsifiers like lecithin or egg yolks do.

Soap is a detergent which is a class of surfactant which is a class of emulsifier. You're being a little too general in classing egg yolks with soap.

Soap helps you remove bacteria embedded in the grease on your skin. Washing with soap and water removes most of the harmful bacteria that might cause nasty stomach issues or serious infections while leaving behind the generally "beneficial" bacteria.

Comment Re:Private Certificate Authority (Score 1) 286

This is exactly what I was going to say. If you're using Windows workstations in an Active Directory domain this is a fairly straightforward piece of work. Create your own CA. Add the CA's cert to the Trusted Root store on workstations using GPOs. Done. We actually have this configuration - it automates a lot of cert management processes. I can't imagine that it's much harder in a Linux/Unix/Mac OS X environment.

Submission + - Security flaw in Apple iPhone 4 iOS 4.1 (

lazyforker writes: According to a story in The Guardian a Brazilian man found a flaw allowing a partial bypass of the PIN code lock screen. Using the "Emergency Call" feature in combination with the power button allows one access to the 'phone, Contacts, call history, voicemail. Colleagues and I confirmed it works! Try it for yourself: in the lock screen slide the unlock bar, tap the "Emergency Call" button, enter ### as the emergency number, tap the call button and immediately hit the power button on top of the 'phone.
The Internet

Submission + - Tea Party win spells doom for net neutrality (

GovTechGuy writes: Experts say the Republican takeover of the House means a likely end to the campaign for rules to enforce net neutrality. FCC chairman Julius Genachowski could still reclassify broadband as a telecom service, but doing so may cost his agency now that the GOP is holding the purse strings.

Comment Re:'Not replied to' != 'ignored' (Score 1) 192

You subscribe to a newspaper or return to the page, or look at other stories with headlines adjacent to the first story etc. You are paying attention to the content in some way. You are "engaging" with the author/editor. Similarly - Slashdot attracts an audience that might not always comment or moderate a specific story but the audience does pay some attention to the site. Conversely - the authors of the study are finding that most tweets are simply not interesting enough to generate discussion, or are intended to be one-way announcements. Twitter seems designed to appease narcissists who are convinced that everything they do or say is of earth-shattering consequence.

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