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Comment Re: a better question (Score 1) 592

'cat /proc/filesystems' lists 47 different file systems, which is a superset of those supported by both Windows and OS X.[1] In terms of what you can actually with just one of those, btrfs enables near-instant (~1 second) snapshots of live file systems, which can then be transferred across the network as incremental backups. It also checksums everything stored on the drive so as to eliminate silent corruption. (With the exception of ZFS, pretty much every other FS around is vulnerable to this.)

OS X may (arguably) have some advantages over Linux in terms of usability, but I don't think you can argue that it has a superior feature set. That's the fundamental difference between them - OS X has a few, highly polished features that serve the needs of the average person (who doesn't mind living in an all-Apple ecosystem), while Linux has almost every feature you could think of with a comparatively small amount of polish.[2]

[1] Note that isn't even exhaustive - it only lists those compiled in or with loaded modules.
[2] e.g. There are currently 3+ different ways to use a SSD as a cache for a mechanical drive. None of them have been integrated into the installer for a distro.

Comment Re:I hope no one runs steam as root. (Score 1) 329

Who cares about root! My home directory is WAY more important than the system.

Which means you should have backups that are not writeable by your account, and the easiest way of doing so is having cron create a tarball of /home as root. Alternatively, if you're using btrfs snapshots work great for this.

Comment Re:not unix (Score 1) 551

To play devil's advocate, the init-related complexity exists either way, so what it really comes down to is where it gets handled.
I think that systemd's approach to daemons (declarative config files about 5 lines long) is much simpler than the sysvinit approach of having a few pages of bash.
Journald is admittedly more complicated that traditional syslogs, but the ability to query a database with a simple command instead of several lines of perl is potentially worth it. (I say potentially because I haven't yet figured out which daemons actually log to journald, and which just use their own log files.)

Comment Re:Can someone explain what the huge debate is? (Score 1) 551

Making systemd ignore all of fstab is painful because you're trying to disable an entire 'feature'. (The inability to do so contributes to the perception that it's monolithic, but I digress.) What would probably work better is adding 'noauto' to the entry for the file system in question, then add a .service file that calls 'mount /mnt/whatever || true' - that way you can ignore the return code or handle it however you want.

Comment Re:Fuck Me (Score 1) 553

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that only mean that systemd needs to be the root of the tree of processes whose resources it manages, as opposed to the root of all processes on the system (which is implied by pid1)? Systemd-init expressly checks that it's running as pid1, but this seems to be an artificial constraint and more of a recommendation than a hard requirement.

Comment Re:Where's the replacement? (Score 1) 640

Win10 doesn't look too bad, but the damage has already been done. I jumped ship for Linux when Win8 was in RC, and now it's almost comical how many different tools you have to install that come out of the box on pretty much every Linux distro (text editor, 7zip, compiler, a browser other than IE, codecs, etc.).

Microsoft's problem is that even if Win10 is on par with Win7 in terms of usability, they've still lost customers and marred their image. The Metro apps in the start menu (literally the first thing seen in pretty much any screenshot of the OS) are an immediate reminder of Win8 and everything disliked about it. Win10 needs to be significantly better than Win7, otherwise they're not going to be able to recover.

Comment Re:Open Source Tax Preparation Software (Score 1) 450

I agree. This is really the sort of thing that the government should be doing - tax software is just the modern reincarnation of the forms. In Australia, they've been doing this for as long as I can remember, and it works brilliantly. (My only complaint is that it's Windows only, though they do have a new (more limited) website that can be used instead.)

Comment Re:Wouldn't intentionaly misleading imply its ileg (Score 1) 73

Bell is just an intermediary - the plaintiffs would have to be the recipients of the notices. The problem is you then have your classic big company vs. the little guy scenario, where the imbalance of power makes pursuing justice expensive. In Canada and Australia, this is normal resolved via regulations (which were omitted in this case). (The US approach seems to rely more on class action law suits.)

Comment Re:i2p has been around for a while (Score 1) 155

I'd say the bigger issue is that Java is not as portable as C, partly because of its overhead. The difference is really only negligible on a desktop.

the hard work is the cryptography

Agreed, and if there's one thing the OpenSSL folks have shown, it's that doing it right is hard. The more components you have in your stack, the more opportunities there are for bugs to slip in. (e.g. the infamous OpenSSL allocator). Java has a very thick stack (especially due to its tendency to use layers of objects for everything) - I'm not sure I'd rely on it for something security critical like this.

Comment Re:If you don't want to upgrade your box (Score 1) 100

But on ordinary desktop OS? Since Windows 95, RAMDisks have been dead. Since then, we've been using RAM better to cache all recent filesystem accesses. There's very, very, very, very little that will ever benefit from a RAMDisk over just having that RAM as filesystem cache automatically anyway. You still have to read the data from permanent storage anyway, and once you've done that, it's in RAM until you start to fill up RAM. Read it often enough and it will never drop out of the cache. If you're not reading it often enough, why the hell bother to RAMDisk it?

This is consistent with my experiences on Linux. When compiling the kernel, I found no significant difference in compilation times on a SSD and tmpfs. If you only have a mechanical hard drive, it might make sense to use a tmpfs, but if you don't have a SSD you probably don't have enough RAM for that anyway.

Comment Re:One more reason to get away from Windows (Score 1) 181

Better security in Linux, you say? Tighter control of permissions? Bzzzzt, nope, doesn't apply. What makes Crypto$shit so dangerous is exactly that it does not need any kind of elevated permissions. It does not want to touch any "system" areas, all it does is execute in the user context and encrypt files in the user's directory. That is something you can do on Linux with the permissions of the current user just as well as you can do it in Windows.

Btrfs snapshots would have defended against this sort of attack effectively - they provide incremental backups that can only be deleted by root. It's trivially easy to setup a cron job to perform a daily snapshot of /home - I did so a while back and just found I'd accumulated a years' worth of snapshots. Admittedly, this isn't something the average user would have set up, but given that there are already distros which automatically snapshot the root fs before installing updates, it's not a huge stretch to say it could be added to a noob-friendly distro.

While Windows does have various mechanisms for creating backups, I'm not aware of anything equivalent to btrfs on it (incremental backups, takes less than a second to create the backup/snapshot).

Comment Re:Always struggling with a Dodgy NVS mobile... (Score 1) 136

I have a laptop with optimus (Lenovo T440p with GeForce GT 730M), and external monitors work fine for me. (I just tested this with 'optirun glxgears'.)
I'm using Sabayon, and the only thing I had to do was install the Nvidia drivers - after that it worked perfectly. Sabayon made optimus support one of their selling points back in 2013, so it's possible it has a better default configuration than Ubuntu / whatever you're using.

Of course, it's entirely possible that your specific laptop is designed such that the external monitors can only be driven by the integrated graphics, but that's the fault of the laptop manufacturer, not Nvidia.

Package versions:
Linux 3.18
Bumblebee 3.2.1
Nvidia drivers 340.58

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
