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Comment Re:Do it like the homestead act (Score 1) 115

The leases on spectrum should be specific to the region like conventional radio stations. If I lease a bit of spectrum in Florida for a radio station, I don't own that same frequency in California. I don't even own it in all of Florida.

The big problem I see with this is the fragmentation it would cause. Quite frankly, the US already has issues due to their major mobile phone networks using different frequencies. Having different frequencies for the same network, within the same country would just exacerbate that.

I would argue that where the frequency is used for a standardized protocol, they should be required to allow others to use it, providing they are compliant with the appropriate standard. Allowing other frequencies to be allocated for competing standards would only be permitted where there were clear benefits to doing so.

Comment Re:Funny thing... (Score 1) 229

why "Windows makes it so hard to do stuff"

It's what you learn on. I learned on Windows, when I use a Mac I'm utterly lost and think "Why did Apple make it so hard to find anything?"

I think this is only part of it. I grew up using Windows (and am consequently lost on Macs), but I found Linux easier to learn than Windows. This may be partly due to my technical inclinations, but I think that variations in usability and documentation can make a real difference to how easily you can learn to use a system.

Comment Re:Google Chrome is fast moving... (Score 1) 338

The application dropped support for production kernels ... because it wants a patch that isn't yet in production kernels.

The feature is in several stable kernel branches. Your distro might just not support them, so either don't use Chrome, or don't use that distro, or figure out how to use a newer kernel on your distro. :)

Given that this is Debian we're talking about, the the right comparison is with an LTS kernel, not a stable one. 3.17 is already EOL, and it was only released in October. The most recent LTS kernel is 3.14.

That said, Jessie is currently running 3.16, so there's likely something I'm unaware of regarding Debian's kernel policy...

Comment Re:Doesn't smell right (Score 1) 338

This doesn't pass the sniff test. This 'bug' has apparently been around for months (October/November) and it's just now that people are noticing? And the fix is patching the kernel rather than regressing whatever change was in Chrome that added this?

The change is an improvement to sandboxing (i.e. security). If the kernel patch was sufficiently minor (this appears to be the case), it makes far more sense to backport it (improving the security under older kernels) than to remove it (compromising security under newer kernels). This is especially true given Debian's focus on security.

Most of the comments in the thread seem to be from people who don't care, but are happy to use it as an opportunity to bash Chrome/Chromium. I suspect if someone had actually done the work of writing a patch, it would have been merged without much drama.

Comment Re:Debian 8 was already a lost cause. (Score 1) 338

Systemd was forced upon Debian users thanks to some dirty politics, and has generally been unwanted by most of the Debian community.

While I agree that it's questionable whether systemd is suitable for Debian stable, I would hardly describe it as resulting from "dirty politics".
The reason that systemd got adopted is very simple: it means less work for distro maintainers. Systemd .service files are much easier to maintain than initscripts, systemd comes with logind (consolekit is unmaintained, and no one is interested in picking it up), and perhaps most importantly, Red Hat is pushing it (which means that they would contribute significantly to porting programs to it. The only real alternative to it was OpenRC, which doesn't fix the consolekit issue.[1] The maintainers were the ones making the decision, so they put their interests first, as opposed to that of their users.

I agree that systemd has some architectural issues (just cause you choose a binary log format, doesn't mean you need modify the start of it on each update) and management issues (it should never have assimilated udev without continuing to support its use without the rest of systemd), but its adoption was entirely due to the opportunity cost of choosing anything else, as opposed to politics.

[1] For the record, I think that OpenRC would have been a fine alternative for Debian. While it doesn't have as much upstream development, it doesn't need to as it's a mature product.

Comment Re:Now if they will sell them without MS Windows (Score 1) 161

I've been using Sabayon for a few years now - it's a nice combination of some fairly nice features (being able to mix entropy and portage, Gentoo-style config file management, fairly bleeding edge packages) and making other things just work (bumblebee, UEFI). I agree that the documentation is a bit weak (downside of a small community), but in practice the only difference from Gentoo is the package manager and default config. (The Arch wiki is also quite useful.)

SystemD works pretty well once you get the hang of it, and these days pretty much everything supports it. Most of the criticisms of are concerning its architecture and management, rather than functional problems. (I think the most significant bug I've seen with it in the last year or two is that systemd-journald needs to be manually restarted if your rootfs gets full, which is fairly minor as bugs go.)

I suggest making backups of your root file system (btrfs snapshots are perfect for this) before updates though - I've had a major regression about once a year, on average. (To be fair, one of them was due to me doing something very unsupported with glibc, and the other due to some somewhat uncommon hardware. Both were fixed within a week as well.)

Feel free to reply to this post with any questions you might have about it. It definitely doesn't get as much attention as it merits, IMO, so I'm always happy to help out people who are interested in it.

Comment Re:Closed source GPUs (Score 1) 112

Incorporating Mali GPUs is bound to piss off the OSS crowd - they tried that before with PowerVR before, and those chips were the bane of any nettop user. They should have tried to slim down their own GT chips.

Perhaps, but I suspect Intel could more than balance it out by adding a few developers to the Lima project.

Comment Re:I like the ghost town. (Score 1) 146

Nobody I know is using G+.. and everybody I know is using facebook, in all age groups - including my whole family(between age 7 to 66) that I like keeping in touch with. Many people abandoned all other styles of communication (emails, IMs) and just use facebook and fb messenger. Until Google get's all those people to use G+ .. I for one am not interested, because the point is to 'connect' with people and G+ don't have any.

It's not an either-or. I use FB for keeping up with friends and family (i.e. people I know in real life), but G+ is a far better platform for following hobbyist groups (e.g. distro pages) and celebrities (e.g. Linus Torvalds), because it allows non-reciprocal connections. That is, I can follow Torvalds' public posts without him needing to follow me.

Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 1) 91

When you have to work with this stuff, in the end you realize that it is mostly about what was best for the team at the time they started the project (availabe skillset, docs, etc) and at this point both frameworks are the best the open source world has to offer.

Which means that the most useful data points are the projects which went through the effort of migrating between libraries. e.g. Subsurface which moved from GTK+ to Qt, and written by Linus Torvalds (among others). The reasons for doing so are given here. This is particularly interesting given that both Linus and Dirk prefer C

In my experience, the Qt libraries and tools are just as easy to use as .NET Framework + Visual Studio, which I think is excellent (and particularly impressive, given that Qt definitely doesn't have the same resources as Microsoft). I haven't used GTK+, but looking at the Hello World tutorial for it, it doesn't seem particularly intuitive. (e.g. why is the button label set with a callback?) Admittedly, there is some bias due to familiarity here, but I think my point is valid.

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