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Comment Re:Airlink wasn't very practical.. (Score 1) 125

so.... to connect this to the topic of the article, um... when an Airlink is confronted with a rattlesnake, its defense mechanism is to cause you to walk over to it, thus causing excess heat to buildup and scare away the snake, or at least get you bitten instead of the airlink?
that's quite a leap you made, but i guess it makes sense!

Comment Re:Obama doesn't oppose SOPA/PIPA (Score 1) 1002

Do you really think both houses have the 66% plurality to override the President?!

Obama could end it now just by saying, affirmatively, that he’d veto it.

That works great unless republicans win the next election, then they can do whatever they want. It's best to squash this idea altogether now and get it through their heads that we dont want this. not now, not ever. If the president just veto's it and it's over, then they will just play it down as politics and keep it on a backburner.

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