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Comment Re:Slightly Disappointed (Score 2) 145

As a Linux zealot^Wuser, I was going to contribute over 5x the average, but seeing here that some of the ports are Wine and Mono, I decided to only contribute about 2x the average. But, I know there is no way for that action to signal the reason for my displeasure back to the developers so they can behave better next time; hmm... I suppose the best course is to still make a generous contribution so next time they treat Linux with more respect.

You want to send a message? How about donating generously, but changing how the funds are allocated so that the developers who are offering nice Linux support recieve more of your money than the lazy ones that you feel aren't doing enough. You can specify exactly who gets money and how much they get.

Comment Re:At one time, US used to be the lead (Score 1) 249

News Item: COLD WAR IS OVER. No one cares about the 'gap' between Russia and the US. No one care about anything except money. Go back to the eighties. Regan is calling.

I'm pretty sure (though I wasn't around then so it is hard to be sure) that the attitude in the 80's was more, we-are-going-build-huge-weapons-and-stuff-so-we-are-number-one! The attitude I was trying to advocate was yea-they-are-doing-cool-stuff-maybe-we-should-try-doing-more-cool-stuff-too! The differences are pretty large, though I can see how you'd get confused.....

.... and to be honest *I* care about things besides money so your statement about "no one cares about anything except money" is false.

Comment Re:At one time, US used to be the lead (Score 5, Insightful) 249

At one time, US used to be the lead in grand endeavors, but laziness, political infighting, and lack of true leadership has paralyzed the American will.

I hope to live long enough to see America return

As an American I wish the Russians luck and hope they actually do this and succeed. I hope that if they successfully do this it may motivate the powers-that-be over here to emphasize science a little more than they have been. And even if America doesn't take the hint and start emphasizing science again it would be a freaking moon base! :) That is neat no matter who is doing it.

Comment Re:Canada Here I Come (Score 1) 747

Ah, you assumed that because I used a collective noun, that my statement refered to every member of that group and not just a general tendency. That's a bad assumption.

I assumed you meant what you wrote. Maybe that was a bad assumption.

Also, you might want to be careful about trying to come up with general tendencies of groups of people. Feeling that certain groups have certain tendencies has been the root cause of a lot of bad.

Comment Re:Ahem (Score 1) 747

A silent, black-and-white, anti-Mormon Danish movie made in 1911...that's the best counterexample you've got? I suppose it means Mormons can't say that they've never tried to silence their critics, but if you have to go back to 1911 to find a counter, I'd say the modern Mormon Church must not be very litigious.

Additionally, that film isn't really critical of Mormons. Closer to ridiculous fiction with Mormons as the antigonists.

Comment Re:Canada Here I Come (Score 1) 747

How did you infer either of those from what I said? Neither follow.

You said,

Mormons voted, based on their religion, to ban homosexual marriage. This ban applies to people who do not follow that religion. Do I need to draw you a diagram?

Because you said, "Mormons voted, based on their religion, to ban homosexual marriage" I wanted to point out that many Mormons opposed prop8. Also, you said, "This ban applies to people who do not follow that religion" so I wanted to point out that the ban also applies to some people who do follow the religion.

Also, I am a little curious why you feel the Mormons are so responsible for proposition 8. I heard somewhere that Mormons make up about 2% of California. I've also heard around 4%-10% of California is homosexual. How is it possible in your opinion that 2% of the state is able to exercise so much control? My personal opinion is that you have a *greatly* exeragated opinion of the impact the Mormons made with prop8.

Comment Re:A newer one for you, though more truth than ins (Score 1) 747

Stop your fucking trolling. They violated the law in a bigoted advertising campaign, there's no "slander" involved.

They violated the law in not properly reporting non-monetary contributions in support of Proposition 8 and paid a $5500 fine. Mind sharing which advertising that was paid for by the Mormons was so bigoted?

Comment Re:Canada Here I Come (Score 1) 747

Are you seriously trying to argue that religious people shouldn't be allowed to vote because it isn't fair for the non-religous people? Or are you only suggesting that religious people that disagree with *you* should be baned from voting? Or maybe you are suggesting that people should only be able to vote for a law if they can somehow prove it may effect them. I'm not quite sure which of these (or perhaps something else entirely) you'd like to see implemented.

Mormons voted, based on their religion, to ban homosexual marriage. This ban applies to people who do not follow that religion. Do I need to draw you a diagram?

Are you suggesting that no Mormons are homosexual? Or are you suggesting that no Mormons voted against prop8? I assure you that if you are both suggestions are false.

Comment Re:Canada Here I Come (Score 1) 747

Not hate speech, but copyright, and used to silence critics with lawsuits;

Eh, as those critics are still there I wouldn't really call the "silenced". Also, it wasn't criticism that was targetted, but publishing a pages from a Church manual online. I imagine if they'd instead tried to summarize the content in their own words there wouldn't have been a lawsuit. Disclaimer: IAAM

Comment Re:Theoretical nonsense (Score 3, Insightful) 363

Instead of ideas such as making people smaller why not simply confront the fact that we need to severely restrict births. A lower population eats less meat, needs less roads and cars and allows general preservation of the environment as well as having natural land for wild life. Simply have rules that allow only the best young people to have one child in one marriage. Problem solved and no test tubes or fancy thinking need be involved at all.

Yes, great idea! Let's create a world government with enough power to: - measure the best-ness of every single human - decide who gets to have children. Not the best? Sorry, no kids for you dumb-ass! And I'm sure this entire process would be done fairly and transparently and wouldn't favor the people in power.... - the power to enforce its decisions from people who may not want to follow the rules and may be trying to hide pregnancies. That means somehow getting all females on the planet to take periodic pregnancy tests (probably a blood test so the results can't be faked) and aborting the preganancies of anyone who is pregnant without permission. Great world you envision.... I'd personally rather give up meat....

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