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Comment Re:RTFA (Score 1) 194

So, is this still "troll tuesday" (whatever the fuck that means to your little virgin brain) or are you still trying to get the last word in like a person who hasn't seen a woman naked?

I'm guessing the latter of the two - but please - prove me right.

Comment Re:Troll Tuesday Explained (Score 1) 226

Nope - in your nerd world you got served and publicly outed as a compulsive liar who has delusions that won't quit and remains locked in a man-child shell at the mental age of 12. So, is this still "troll tuesday" (whatever the fuck that means to your nerdy little brain) or are you still trying to get the last word in like a person who hasn't seen a woman naked?

I'm guessing the latter of the two - but please - prove me right.

Comment Fuck Australia (Score 0, Flamebait) 116

I've read so many stories about that nation trying to seal itself off culturally on every media front that I can't bring myself to give a shit about that backwater hick country that has committed itself to cultural jihads. Yes, this measure went down - but don't think they won't try again, and again, and again. I'll be keeping my money in the northern hemisphere for countries that allow me to think.

But don't fret - have another beer and fuck another shrimp on a goddamn barby in the meantime - don't worry your pretty little empty head about anything. It makes such a lovely rattle.

Comment Re:Troll Tuesday Explained (Score 1) 226

Given your responses - including the use of "asshole" in the latest double-post (I must have seriously pissed you off to get more than one nerdy sign-off unsurprisingly) I can see that I was closer to the truth than you've ever been in this thread.

The fact that you've framed this around some insider nerd contest (which I couldn't give a fuck about, and most women would laugh at as being "teenager cute") proves - in the end - that you're a socially malformed sexless nerd. In fact - everything in this thread points to this fact.

Here's the truth behind your little game.
I wasn't playing.

I was exposing, to the readers here, your failed life, your lack of humor, your poor writing, and your sexual delusions. And further proof? I don't give a shit about "slashdot-karma". Nerds do - in fact you've made a little game to wholly place some kind of nerd-value on "karma". Or worse - you're such a nerd that you've invented this pathetic little game as a story covering for your little public meltdown. An intricate little scenario only a hardcore nerd could fathom.

For anyone to give a shit (let alone 2 shits) about a website's rules, indicates a life spent wholly online - not offline. It's a warning sign to those who are socially inept and give value to fringe things because life isn't letting them in to the rest of the human experience. And oh look - it's pointing right at you.

Game over nerd - but then the game was over for you years ago when your arrested development firmly cemented you at 12.

Comment Re:Happy Troll Tuesday (Score 1) 226

re:"high level state sysadmin"

Who the fuck does that impress? If you put that on a business card do the chicks swoon into your sysadmin biceps? Does it get you a free ice cream at the sizzler?

Now I'm confused. You basically - perfectly - admitted earlier that you were a loser nerd with no social skills and self-deludes himself with a fantasy life of a 12 year old. Did your above admission go beyond that? Help me out here.

As far as dancing to my tune - have you seen the length of this thread? I'd say by your shifting tone you were getting pretty pissed off. You're trying to cover it with "oh ha ha - this was fun" 18 posts after the fact - which kind of stretches the credibility a tad.

Please don't go on my account. Enlighten the planet on the real SPUN - man-child of the Slashdot, keeper of all things sysadminy and is proud enough to tell people what you do in bars and actually be serious enough to think that it's a badge of honor.

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 226

You must spend a lot of man-child nerd hours hooked to this place to be using terms like "AC". Here's a lifestyle guess I can take from this point. You play World of Warcraft, smell of pachouli, and think Hunter S Thompson is "deep". You also have pet ferrets, think ren-fairs are "like-awesome", and consume your weight in enough herbal magic that you think "Larry the Cable Guy" is funny - or worse (shudder) Dane Cook.

You aren't employed - I think we've established that, and you are basically the opposite of every fantasy point you mentioned in your ego post.

Oh and you have enough ink on your skin to qualify for hepatitis treatment by any third world charity, use the word Yawl, and think soap is optional.

Feel free to give me more data because - as I've said before - you're pretty transparent.

Comment Re:Happy Troll Tuesday (Score 1) 226

Oh no - you're getting angry again. Must be getting close to the lifestyle as it exists in real-life. Odd that you're fishing for "new material" didn't you just say the same thing a few (dozen) posts now?

Breathe - breathe - take it down - you can live with being a walking failure on the govt dole. No shame in that - in these trying times, even car companies are on welfare. You're like a rudderless CEO - without the education, money, career, location, job, cultural awareness, social skills, wife, friends .... um - hmmm perhaps CEO isn't the right word to be comparing to.

Comment Re:Happy Troll Tuesday (Score 1) 226

Fun creates fun - it's that kind of shared cultural experience that brings us all together. Thanks for the warm thoughts.

Although isn't douchebag kind of dated? I mean - if you're over 14? Why not try colostomy bag, rectal plugs, or a host of other squishy tech?

But hey - don't give me all the credit - I'm not the one with an orgy ranch in Hawaii. I'm the guy with the lunar outpost remember?

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