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Comment Re:Help me out here (Score 0) 220

Having a professor or tutor beats an encyclopedia any day for me. If I have a question for more granular or comprehensive help for aiding my understanding then a person is more appropriate for my request.

Comment Re:imagine a conical bath... (Score 0) 220

OK that makes more sense now. I am sure I am oversimplifying it, but I assumed SQL Databases were like giant spreadsheets that contained columns like "Username" and were populated by forms and radio buttons. This makes me want to learn SQL.

Comment Re:Help me out here (Score 0) 220

Ok I'm kind of getting it. I wish I knew more about Databases. I am a hardware/Network systems guy. As I understand it your adding your own information into a line of SQL. it like when I was 13 and used to go through porn sites free tours and when they ended on "Freepic13.jpg" I changed it to freepic14.jpg and found the hidden images? Or am I missing the point about adding your own text to the SQL?

Terrorists Bomb Moscow Airport 640

jayme0227 writes "Terrorists detonated a bomb at Moscow's busiest airport on Monday, killing 35 people and wounding another 152, Russian authorities said. President Dmitry Medvedev, who called the bombing a terrorist attack, ordered additional security at Moscow's other airports and transportation hubs, and Moscow police went on high alert in case of additional bombs." According to the NY Times, "The airport remained open on Monday evening, and passengers continued to flow through the hall where the bomb had exploded."

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