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Comment Re:Careful (Score 1) 917

Here's the problem with that argument: it assumes that it doesn't hurt me or anyone else if you have an attitude of "Niggers and Fags aren't real people." In reality, it does. You may encounter Black People and Gay People whom you discount as real people. This not only means I live in a less tolerant society, it means I live in one where there is a racial divide, and I am bringing my kids up in that society. It also means that you discount those people, which hurts the market by taking many people out of it and introducing inefficiencies that come from not letting qualified people work in jobs they're qualified for. In addition, it makes you less likely to treat Black People or Gay People with the basic dignity with which we should treat all human beings. I happen to think it harms me to live in a society where people don't respect one another a tiny bit by default. You may not trust everyone, but there is no reason not to be a little bit courteous. It's not a zero-sum game. It makes everyone happier.

It obviously would make me less tolerant if I actually believed that, but it doesn't make me less tolerant if I say it, and it certainly doesn't make society less tolerant for allowing an app to be downloaded and installed that said it. Quite the opposite is true in reality and logically. If you disallow the app because you don't agree with it, you are being intolerant. Funny thing about tolerance, you have to be tolerant of intolerance, or you aren't actually tolerant.

Comment Re:Who will all just plug their ears (Score 1) 361

Although the story of Noah is the first time rain is mentioned in the bible, it does not state that it never rained before Noah

Not true, I'm afraid. Genesis 2: 5-6, after creation:

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. The flood is in chapter 7.

The Bible does state that before Adam, God had not caused it to rain upon the earth. It does not talk about rain between Adam being cast out from the Garden of Eden and the flood. That does not mean that there was no rain during that period of time.

No, but it does mean that the story of Noah isn't the first time rain is mentioned. And at the very least, it implies the flood may have been the first time it rained.

Comment Re:mixed feelings and abstract hate. (Score 1) 917

Hate speech is a bullshit buzzword. Someone offering advice on how to cure "the gay" isn't hate speech. Saying all homos should be filleted alive and then drowned would be hate speech. And for the record, I mean hate + speech, or speech that has hate behind it. Which is what is inferred when you say hate speech, but isn't what hate speech actually legally means. Legally its disparaging remarks about a class of people, but that should actually be "offensive speech" or "disparaging speech", not hate speech.

Comment Re:Careful (Score 0) 917

The rest of this post contains words that you may find offensive.

Niggers and Fags aren't real people. Who's with me? Hurrah!!

If you are offended by the second sentence, then you probably should not have read past the first sentence. Who cares whether or not you agree its ok for me to say the second sentence? It was your choice to read it in the first place...

Comment Re:Who will all just plug their ears (Score 1) 361

If God existed, you would have either logical or empirical proof that God exists.

Ok, I'm just as argumentative as the next person, but I call bullshit. Just because you don't have evidence of something, doesn't mean the something doesn't exist. In theory, there could be a planet a trillion light years from here where Gods and people and dinosaurs all live together in harmony. Just because you don't have any proof that said planet exists, doesn't mean said planet does not exist. That's the biggest crock of shit I've heard this year.

Comment Re:Who will all just plug their ears (Score 1) 361

Although the story of Noah is the first time rain is mentioned in the bible, it does not state that it never rained before Noah

Not true, I'm afraid. Genesis 2: 5-6, after creation:

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
The flood is in chapter 7.

Comment Re:Not gonna lie (Score 1) 748

Around here we've got Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T. I think that Boost might be available, but that's it.

Boost is Sprint. A subsidiary of sprint, they either use sprints CDMA network, or the use sprints (formerly nextels) iDEN network. I have boost. Their coverage, like sprint, is not the best in the world, but they offer blackberry's with unlimited everything for $60 a month with no contract, and every 6 months worth of on time payments = a permanent $5 a month decrease in your monthly bill up to 3 times. So after a year and a half, unlimited everything, $45 a month, on a blackberry. Screw you AT&T.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 433

Just as I'd be an idiot for handing my checkbook over to the sole control of an employee based solely on trust, I'd be an idiot for handing over the keys to my IT systems.

Isn't there a bit of irony there? You have the keys to something that doesn't belong to you in your singular possession, but don't want to turn them over to someone else's singular possession because a single person might abuse them?

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