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Data Storage

Building an ODF Intranet Portal? 19

jeevesbond writes "I have been doing some feasibility work on creating a FLOSS Intranet Portal for ODF documents; the first task is to find existing projects that already provide some of the required functionality. The requirements are: version control — including diff and merge capabilities for ODF; integration with OpenOffice for check-in/out as a starting point; a Web-based CMS for group sharing of files (preferably one that can be extended to perform other tasks); and network authentication for the CMS (so users don't have to login twice). The eventual aim is to be able to bundle all this up in some way: 'apt-get odf-portal', for instance. Which FLOSS tools would you use for this job? How would you handle diffs and merges for ODF documents?"

Submission + - DOA with SOA

UML Commando writes: Are you DOA with SOA? This is a great article reminding us yet again that there are no silver bullets...there is no way to avoid rolling up ones sleeves and actually doing some engineering when adopting SOA or any other technology.

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