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Comment Did the dolphin plagiarize the shark? (Score 1) 210

How many ways are there to answer the same question? Sooner or later a couple of people are going to have the same thought about something, it's not plagiarism, it is nature. There are finite ways of expressing the same concept. That's where I see the big failing of these services like TurnItIn happening; sooner or later their databases will be so huge there's no way to NOT plagiarize something. You can't account for it and you can't prevent it. I think the larger issue is being completely ignored: does the student actually understand what he/she is talking about? Or are they just trying to pass the course with minimal effort?

Comment Re:Socialist science (Score 1) 605

Close-minded, paranoid, irrational, non-critical thinking people are the reason we are in this mess. You poor, poor bastard. My family is much the same. Very old, very entrenched, and very unresponsive to new ideas. All I can say is keep arguing, use logic, and above all don't drop to their level. Sooner or later their views fall apart.

Comment Re:Moderation (Score 1) 605

I'm not taking sides either way in the climate debate; I'm saying that sceptics are moderated down because the moderators disagree with their point of view.

There are no sides to take, this isn't an argument. The evidence is there, mounting by the truckload. Those who choose to deny that evidence at this point are akin to denying that nighttime is dark and should be treated accordingly.

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As long as we're going to reinvent the wheel again, we might as well try making it round this time. - Mike Dennison
