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Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Fallout 3 Van Buren tech demo released

gbridge writes: Over eight years since the release of Fallout 2, the original (pre-alpha) tech demo of Black Isle Studio's abandoned Fallout 3 Van Buren project has made its way into the public domain. It's obviously a long, long way from being even beta quality but fans are rejoicing that they finally have something of the cancelled project to see for themselves. Bethesda have also given Fallout fans something to look forward to by announcing that a teaser video of their own interpretation of Fallout 3 will be released in 33 days time.

Feed Pink Zune 'officially' on shelves (com.com)

Blog: The newest version of the Zune, decked out in a light pink paint job, is now available online and at brick-and-mortar retail locations.

Feed News: Greenpeace responds to Apple's environmental plans (macworld.com)

Environmental group Greenpeace responded on Wednesday to Apple CEO Steve Jobs' open letter on environmental issues facing his company and the industry. Greenpeace seems pleased with the steps Apple has committed to taking, raising the company's ranking from a 2.7 to a five out of 10.

IGN Claims Halo 3 At E3 78

IGN says that 'sources' have confirmed Halo 3 will be part of Microsoft's E3 Event. From the article: "The video is allegedly two minutes long, although its contents weren't divulged. We're guessing a wild breathtaking battle on Earth. Knowing Microsoft, the publisher will want to show all real, in-game engine footage to counter Sony's fantastical CG videos from E3 2005. When Microsoft was contacted, the company issued its standard reply, 'We don't comment on speculation and rumors.'"

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