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Comment Re:I think (Score 1) 292

Why not the RMS Olympic? It was the lead ship of it's class, survived several collisions, served in WWI, and completed 257 round trips across the Atlantic, transporting 430,000 passengers on her commercial voyages, travelling 1.8 million miles (according to Wikipedia.)

Of course, the sister ship with the most casualties was the one most remembered. The third and largest one (Britannic) got one movie, but only thirty died when she hit a mine.

It makes me wonder how many people would feel safe going out on this replica...

The Internet

Submission + - Six strick warning from internet providers for illegal downloads begins ( 1

mynameiskhan writes: Major internet service providers will monitor the internet traffic 'to' the customer's computer and will warn them if they download copyrighted materials using peer to peer network. The article says "A person will be given up to six opportunities to stop before the Internet provider will take more drastic steps, such as temporarily slowing their connection, or redirecting Internet traffic until they acknowledge they received a notice or review educational materials about copyright law.". Furthermore, if you appeal the warning you will be required to pay $35 to stake your claim. Have the ISPs have had enough of RIAA pestering or are they siding with RIAA?

Submission + - Developers key to managing patent risk (

dp619 writes: Penn State law professor Clark Asay has written an editorial on FOSS patent risk, saying: "...under the current patent system, it’s entirely possible to obtain a patent that reads on software that FOSS communities independently create. Consequently, FOSS communities and their users are vulnerable to third party patent claims, even absent any sort of wrongdoing or copying on their part." He suggests that developers collaborate to prevent bad or frivolous patents from being issued in the first place. The ongoing work of Linux Defenders and Peer-to-Patent are cited as good examples of how the FOSS community's collaborative spirit can help it counteract potential legal threats.

Submission + - When did you learn how to code? ( 3

coondoggie writes: ""I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer — because it teaches you how to think." --Steve Jobs

That's the introduction to a new video and a new organization, which describes itself as being a is a non-profit organization "devoted to the vision that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn how to code. We believe computer programming should be part of the core curriculum in education, alongside other science and math courses such as biology, chemistry and algebra.""

Submission + - New Technology Produces Cheaper Tantalum and Titanium (

Billy the Mountain writes: A small UK company is bringing new technology online that could reduce the prices of tantalum and titanium ten-fold. According to this piece in The Economist: A tantalising prospect, the key is a technique similar to smelting aluminum with a new twist: The metallic oxides are not melted as with aluminum but blended in powder form with a molten salt that serves as a medium and electrolyte. This technology is known as the FFC Cambridge Process. Other metals include Neodymium, Tungsten and Vanadium

Submission + - Google Chrome Getting Audio Indicators To Show You Noisy Tabs

An anonymous reader writes: Google is working on identifying Chrome tabs that are currently playing audio (or recording it). The feature is expected to show an audio animation if a tab is broadcasting or recording sound. François Beaufort first spotted the new feature, a part of which is already available in the latest Chromium build. For those who don't know, Chromium is the open source web browser project that shares much of the same code and features as Google Chrome, and new features are often added there first.

Comment Interview on Coast to Coast AM? (Score 1) 573


I have always wanted to see (or rather "hear") you appear with George Noory or Ian Punnett on C2C. Have you considered it? I think it would be fascinating, and would probably steer millions of people towards free software, even if it was just to try Open/Libre Office to save a few (hundred) bucks. Hell, it may just inspire some to start programming.

Thanks for your time, and all that you've accomplished.

Comment Re:Go with tried and true (Score 1) 397

Heh, that brings back memories of 88KB on my Atari's floppies, which I doubled by cutting a notch on the other side and flipping it over, even if they were sold as Single-Sided Single Density.

As for the OP, so far I'm keeping stuff on external hard drives, but I know it's not the best solution for long-term. Where are those multi-layer FMD discs I kept hearing about?

Comment Up in Smoke (Score 1) 210

I can't believe I didn't find "Cheech" or "Chong" with my browser's search. My step-brother saw Up in Smoke in the theater when he was ten or so. Some people were smoking in front, and he said, "They have smell-o-vision!"

It's just a matter of time before movies start adding smell tracks and George Lucas has another excuse to re-release the Star Wars movies again. Hmm, "Smellies!"

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