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Comment Sounds like a good idea (Score 1) 481

The police ARE a fearful group to be avoided at all costs. We live in a police state. Or, at least, we live in a country where the police have been militarized to the point that they are dangerous to be around. These days, when they're sending in SWAT teams to collect overdue library books, even a middle-aged, law-abiding, white guy like me needs to be wary of the police.

Comment Re:Instrumentation (Score 1) 195

That's kind of what I was thinking. The most "hackable" car I ever owned was a 1980 Jeep CJ7. It was super easy to work on. Lots of room in the engine compartment to put extra stuff. If you wanted something aftermarket in the interior or on the dashboard, you just drilled a hole or two and bolted it on. You could go with a hardtop, softtop, doors on, doors off, bikini top, or no top at all. And you could drive your hacked vehicle virtually anywhere. I wish I still had one.

Comment Re:Capitalism does not reward morality (Score 4, Insightful) 197

I think you're equating capitalism with avarice. It is possible to run a business while maintaining a sense of morality. Lots of people do and make a living that way. However, if all you want to do is make money, and continue making more and more of it, for no reason other than to keep making more of it, then yes, morality must, at some point, be tossed out.

Comment 3.6 billion passenger trips. (Score 2) 48

This article says it's 3.6 billion passenger trips. Over a 40-day period, that's a little more believable, but I wonder what is counted as a "passenger trip". Let's say I live in NYC, and I want to travel to Lincoln, Nebraska for the holiday. So, subway ride to the airport, that's a passenger trip. Flight to hub in Chicago, another passenger trip. Flight from Chicago to Omaha, another passenger trip. Then whatever means I use to get from Omaha to Lincoln, another passenger trip. Coming home, I do the same thing all in reverse. That's eight passenger trips for one person for the holiday.

So, you take the 3.6 billion passenger trips, and divide it by 4 or 6 or 8 or whatever you think is the average passenger trip per person. Then divide that over a 40 day period, and account for the difference in population, and maybe you get something like a multiple of the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.

I dunno, I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility.

Comment Re:Type 1 vs Type 2 (Score 2) 140

One of the greatest disservices that has been done to people with diabetes is the notion that being overweight causes the disease. It can certainly contribute to it, but the bottom line is that it is a genetic disorder. I personally know three type 2 diabetics who have fine BMIs and get regular exercise. Myself, I was diagnosed as a type 2. I began exercising and lost 110 pounds. And yet I kept getting worse. It turns out that I was mis-diagnosed, and that I am a type 1. It just hit me later in life than it usually does.

Unfortunately, there is now this popular misconception that everyone who is diabetic is a fat couch potato. There was an SNL skit a couple of years ago where a Chinese character in a skit says, "What does America manufacture? Hmmmm. Diabetes?" Big laughs. Oh, har, har, har! Now we read that the largest number of diabetics in the world are in China.

Comment Re:Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes? (Score 4, Informative) 140

It's type 1 (which I have). It it not necessarily impossible to fix a pancreas that is not producing insulin, because very often, even a type 1 diabetic will have at least a few beta cells. If something can be done to prevent beta cells from being destroyed, the body can produce more, and then a healthy level of insulin can be maintained.

Comment Not everyone needs to be an athelete (Score 1) 308

I was in the Navy from the early 80's until the early 90's. When I joined, there seemed to be an understanding that most sailors were, basically, technicians, so once they passed a basic level of fitness, they merely were expected to do their jobs. Then, beginning about 1983 or so, there started to be this concept that everyone needed to get in better shape. Pretty understandable. But by the 90's, that had changed into, "everyone needs to be an athelete". Ridiculous. We need to recognize that the vast majority of the jobs in the military are support or tech roles that do not require excessive stamina or fitness. You cannot on the one hand say that everyone needs to be an athelete, and at the same time say, we're friendly to pregnant females.

Comment AI + Bad Data = Nightmare (Score 1) 583

The problem with AI is an extension of the problem with information in general. Right now, we have a problem in that when a computer says something, the trend is to believe that is the truth -- even if it does not make any sense. In other words, there is no question about how the information got into the system or any question as to its validity. Everyone just assumes that what Mr. Computer says is correct. Identity theft and credit theft are two of the biggest examples. It gets worse when you add AI into the equation. Now the system is making decisions based on incorrect data. And no one questions any of it.

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