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Comment I have to admit there is some validity to this (Score 1) 208

At first I thought, "No way! My hands-free function on my car is great, and far less distracting." Then I remember the frustrations I had when I first started using it. This is an example of the type of "conversation" I would have:

Car: "Voice command please."
Me:"Call Marty Klugman"
Car: "Calling Mary Kliegleman. Say yes or no."
Car: "Voice command please"
Me:"Call Mar-ty Klug-man!"
Car: "Calling Harry Chelphon. Say yes or no"
Me:"NO!" ...etc, etc, etc
The next thing I know I'm arguing; YELLING at my Car!

Yeah, that was distracting, and dangerous. I'm glad there was no other traffic around.

Comment Marketspeak (Score 4, Insightful) 69

"...We're focused on providing the most secure experience possible for our users worldwide and are continuously working to protect our users' data."

Marketspeak. I guess communications majors are taught to always do this. The problem is, we've heard crap like this so much, we've become inured to it. Nowadays, the minute I see a sentence like this, I assume everything else the spokesperson has said is a complete fabrication.

Comment Re:100% of my needs by solar (Score 2) 652

I don't know about "healthier". You will probably find people who would want to debate that point. But it is certainly cheaper to go without meat. I'm Orthodox, and we regularly fast from meat about 180 days out of the year. I've gotten to the point where I abstain from meat about 330 days a year. I only have meat about two or three times per month. Buying mostly fruits and vegetables and cooking them up yourself at home is considerably cheaper than eating meat at every meal. It costs a fraction compared to eating out.

It probably would help if we stopped promoting vegetarianism vs carnivorism as an all-or-nothing lifestyle. It's like training for a marathon: you don't start out by running the full 26 miles the first day. Start small. Abstain from meat one day or two days per week, then gradually increase the ratio of non-meats to meats.

Will it make you healthier? Maybe yes and maybe no. I know this much: I have a lot more disposable income.

Comment Re:Treat people like people (Score 1) 482

You could be right, though at the time, it didn't seem like age made much difference. What I mean is, that men my age were just as off-putting as younger ones. But, perhaps I don't understand what you mean.

If I were in the same situation these days I would probably try, "It's Just Lunch", or something like that.

Comment Re:This wont work because... (Score 1) 482

It probably will work to some degree, but I could imagine the following scenario: A woman sets up her profile and her picture is hidden. She expresses herself well in writing, and men are forced to take the time to read her profile, which is enticing. After striking up a good rapport, she reveals her picture. Uh oh. She is, shall we say, not too impressive. The guy drops her like a hot potato. That's not easy for anybody. So, in those cases, it's not going to work well.

Comment Treat people like people (Score 5, Interesting) 482

I haven't been on a dating site for some time since having found someone (not on a dating site, BTW) and taking myself out of the game. But several years ago I was on a couple of dating sites geared specifically towards Christians. I was in my 40's and looking for age-appropriate matches. I try to be as well mannered online as I am face to face, especially on a dating site. I had very little problems getting responses, and what I learned from many of the women I talked to surprised me. A lot of them told me about how lewd and creepy the men were -- and this was supposed to be a Christian dating site! In contrast I always behaved as a gentleman, and in fact, I had to hide my online status sometimes because when I logged on I would get inundated with chat requests.

Unfortunately I never found anyone who was a great match. Distance was usually a problem. I met someone the traditional way.

It seems to me that a lot of people cannot handle the anonymity that an online presence provides. This is true, not just of dating sites, but everywhere. There is a tendency to objectify everyone. Men are particularly bad at it, but I've seen women do it too. The thing is, people like to be treated like people. A good rule of thumb is to not say anything to anyone that you wouldn't say within arm's reach.

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