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Comment Re:The only thing taller.. (Score 2) 407

Who said anything about more expensive? As for "similar heights", the largest radio tower was the Warsaw Radio Mast, which was 2164 ft before it collapsed. The currently tallest radio mast is the KVLY-TV mast which is 2063 ft. This would be 26% taller than KVLY, would be free-standing (unguyed), and would be solid (wind cannot blow through it). This tower is more comparable to a occupied structure.

The current highest capacity wind turbines are 7.6 MW. I haven't been able to find figures on the area proposed for the collector area of this tower, but it is possible that 30-50 simpler and proven wind turbines or 1 to 5 concentrated solar units might be able to replace this tower.

You know they wanted to build one of these in Australia, right? The proposal stalled and it looks like it will not be built.


Comment The only thing taller.. (Score 4, Informative) 407

This is a ridiculous idea. The only structure that is taller than 2600 ft is the Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubai), which is 2717 ft.


The idea that we would build the 2nd tallest structure in the world for 200 MW is ridiculous. This doesn't even come CLOSE to being a top producer of energy per power plant. The top 10 power plants in the world all produce more than 6000 MW. Even the largest biofuel, geothermal and tidal plants currently exceed 200MW.



Comment Why I am not joining Google+ (Score 2) 1223

It seems that the invite-only PicasaWeb albums (where only specific google accounts have access) would no longer be invite-only. That alone is reason enough to not join G+. When signing up for G+, they gave the following notice:

Linking Google+ with Picasa Web Albums
When you join Google+:

        * [...]
        * Your albums' visibility settings aren’t changed, but people they’re shared with can now share them with others.
        * [...]

If they could fix this issue, I would sign up. Otherwise, forget it.


Comment Re:G+ requires Picasa album permission changes (Score 2) 164

No, there were three privacy settings on the old picasa:

1. public and searchable
2. limited access - only those with the URL auth code can view (pass around the URL to your friends)
3. invite-only access - only specific google accounts can access.

The problem is that users of #3 could now re-share pictures they have access to. This breaks the invite-only capability.


Comment G+ requires Picasa album permission changes (Score 2) 164

When attempting to sign up for G+, I received a query about whether I wanted to join G+ and change my Picasa settings or leave them as is and not join. Here is what it said:

Linking Google+ with Picasa Web Albums
When you join Google+:
        Your albums' visibility settings aren’t changed, but people they’re shared with can now share them with others.

So invite-only albums would now allow re-sharing, which makes them no longer invite-only. This alone made me decide to not join G+.


Comment What about warrant-less wiretaps?? (Score 1) 149

This is less of a concern, this is the wiretaps requiring a warrant (meaning judicial oversight). The bigger concern is the warrantless wiretapping. All international calls, traffic analysis on all domestic calls, and who knows what else. It is safer to just asume everything is tapped. I can't count the number of times I've made a disparaging comment about the government on an international call (friends overseas) and added in a "Just kidding, NSA!" I'm ashamed of what this country has become.


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