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Comment Do or Do Not, There is No Try. (Score 4, Insightful) 373

New Scientist is reporting that twenty years to the day since the initial announcement of a cold fusion discovery another Utah-based team is trying again

Sorry, but anyone can try to achieve cold fusion, just as you can try to build a perpetual motion machine. Call me when you've actually achieved something.

Comment Re:What do we need the bandwidth for? (Score 1) 119

what are we going to use 60Mbps for - checking Email?

The Internet is more than email and HTML websites. I use my connection for videoconferencing with clients and a slow connection is a real detriment. Even if I'll only use 10Mbps for a really high quality connection, there are three other people in my house. Asking what people are going to use fast connections for is like asking what they'll use bigger hard drives for.

Hardware Hacking

Submission + - How Do You Hack Your Food? 1

Wellington Grey writes: "I wanted to know if the slashdot crowd had any geeky ways that they hack their food. I've never really enjoyed eating, I've always viewed it as a means to the end of keeping myself alive. Are there any tips out there on how to cut down preparation time and still stay healthy? What the easiest, most minimal, yet nutritionally complete meals out there? Any ideas how long it will be until the food pill finally arrives?"

Submission + - How to Get High-Schoolers Involved in Real Science

Wellington Grey writes: "I'm a physics teacher and have been wondering what ways it's possible to get students to participate in or donate to real science projects. I encourage my students to help out with things like Galaxy Zoo (which has just released a new version) and to get them to install BOINC on their personal computers. Do slashdotters out there have any other suggestions that would be appropriate for the 11-18 age range? Extra credit if you can think of a way that I can track their progress so that I can give them extra credit."

Submission + - How to Get High-Schoolers to Help Real Science?

Wellington Grey writes: "I'm a physics teacher and have been wondering what ways it's possible to get students to participate in or donate to real science projects. I encourage my students to help out with things like Galaxy Zoo (which has just released a new version) and to get them to install BOINC on their personal computers. Do slashdotters out there have any other suggestions that would be appropriate for the 11-18 age range? You get extra credit if you can think of a way that I can track their progress so that I can give them extra credit."
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - H-1B Visa Holders Returning Home for Better Life (

Wellington Grey writes: "It seems that H1-B holders are returning home for better opportunities. From the article:

As the debate over H-1B workers and skilled immigrants intensifies, we are losing sight of one important fact: The U.S. is no longer the only land of opportunity. If we don't want the immigrants who have fueled our innovation and economic growth, they now have options elsewhere. Immigrants are returning home in greater numbers. And new research shows they are returning to enjoy a better quality of life, better career prospects, and the comfort of being close to family and friends. "

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It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.
