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Comment Re:is there just NO originality anymore? (Score 2, Interesting) 196

> (and the Prada's original UI was vastly inferior).

And isn't that kind of part of the point? There were smartphones around for years before the iPhone came out, but they all sucked horribly. I struggled to do any kind of Internet browsing with my Blackberry Pearl to do the kinds of things that I can do on my iPhone just by talking to it. I had a geek friend who was so proud of his Windows phone that had a stylus. I remember another had an iPaq that could play movies. There were also tablets before the iPad, but no one wanted to use them either. And in both cases, any competition lagged well behind Apple in terms of being able to come up with a product that anyone actually wanted to use.

Apple knows how to make products that people want to actually use. No one else can seem to figure that out without waiting to see what Apple does and copying that.

Comment Re:The enemy of my enemy (Score 1) 693

It's one thing to use it in a military context but the administration refuses to rule out using it in place of law enforcement. Or do you think that the military should be deployed against American citizens on American soil instead of law enforcement? Perhaps we should deploy them against all wanted murderers and rapists since we *know* they're guilty. The government has never been wrong about that before.

Comment No provision for borders (Score 1) 194

It's about time something like this happened. The rights established in the Constitution are binding on the government, wherever you are and whoever you are. There is no provision for different rules at the border or outside the border, nor for citizens as opposed to non-citizens. Any attempt at limiting those rights is in violation of any clear reading of the Constitution, especially attempts to define the border as 100 miles wide, an area that encompasses several whole states and 2/3 of the country's population.

Comment Re:Ron Wyden (Score 1) 693

The police don't mete out punishments. If they shoot you, it's ostensibly in self-defense when they are trying to apprehend you. There are major issues when cops are found executing people. A drone can't apprehend you, and you can't surrender to a drone. If you were to put your hands over your head if you are lucky enough to see the drone coming, you just present an easier target.

Comment Re:The enemy of my enemy (Score 4, Insightful) 693

How exactly is one supposed to surrender to a drone?

These are murder/execution machines. There is no due process, no chance of being arressted and brought before a court for your crimes, you are simply executed with no chance to defend yourself. It is the most tyrannical of powers, and of you support it, you truly are unamerican.

Comment Re:The enemy of my enemy (Score 0, Troll) 693

Regular and ongoing military operations are generally what is considered being "at war". Certainly by the people who are subject to the regular attacks that, incidentally, kill 50 innocents for every terrorist. Obama has started wars in Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. We didn't have any regular and ongoing operations in any of those countries before he came in to office. Maybe Pakistan, I could be wrong about that one.

Comment Re:wtf? (Score 1) 605

the question is idiotic. sounds more like "asking a question just to ask it"

As are many articles on the Internet. They are manufacturing controversy, however stupid, for page views. They are trolling, and as we all know the only proper response to a troll is to ignore them.

Comment Re:wouldn't have made a difference (Score 1) 433

"Additionally, it is easy to forget now, but when the iPad first came out it was widely criticized as being too similar to an iPod Touch."

The reason for all that disparagement was because it ended up in the locked-down ecosystem model of the iDevices rather than the open, general-purpose computer model of the Macs. We wouldn't be allowed to install our own software on it. Android tablets aren't much better than iPads in this regard. So yes, Apple-hate, along with a vain, irrational belief that Android was more open and therefore better, not that it made much of a difference in users' habits.

Comment Re:House Republicans (Score 1, Insightful) 522

It's crippling to the economy. Government spending is what is keeping the economy from taking an even worse nosedive. In case you haven't noticed, we've been a recession with high unemployment since the banks crashed the economy in 2008. In my state there are 5 people looking for work for every job that's available. Spending equals jobs. Government is one of the biggest spenders. Cut government spending, you kill jobs. These things have a multiplicative effect. You kill jobs, those people who lost their jobs can't spend as much, more people lose their jobs. 2% is a lot of jobs. An analysis put that at 2 million jobs lost.

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