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Comment Re:ATM machines (Score 2) 428

The thing I hate about self checkouts is it stops every time it calculates too much weight or not enough weight in the bagging area once its scanned. Without fail the human has to come over and bypass the error message.

Comment Re:Gay rights are civil rights. (Score 1) 348

In the end what does it matter. Marriage is an irrational concept anyways.

"Lets have a ceremony where our family and friends come celebrate the legal binding of our property" What idiot thought that shit up? If you want to combine properties just say so and forget this expensive wedding shit.

How about we take all the legal crap out of marriage and just make it a ceremony? Like a birthday. No one gives a shit how you celebrate your birthday. Let's do that to marriage as well.

Comment Re:Gay rights are civil rights. (Score 1) 348

Good luck asking for a flat tax from Uncle Sam. See the problem is Uncle Sam is going to tax you the way Uncle Sam wants to because Uncle Sam has that power and control. Uncle Sam also has the power to tell us who can and cannot get married because we've given him that power. So until we start taking away the other powers from Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam is going to tax us the way he sees fit.

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