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Comment Editors: Please stop posting stupid topics (Score 0) 401

Yes, these idiotic posts get lots of responses... But do you really want to be the next Gawker?

For any young programmers out there, forget these stupid polls. Instead, take a look at job postings on craigslist, indeed, etc. to see what your local market demands. This post, for instance, excludes c# which is a very marketable language. Ditto w/ SQL.

Comment Sarbanes-Oxley evidently does not apply to banks (Score 1) 341

Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) was supposed to mandate C-level knowledge and responsibility for all actions. Yet here we are with no SOX charges.

WF's C-levels were either aware of the activity or ignorant. If ignorant then this is a SOX violation.

As a bonus, this is Elizabeth Warren's province, and she is exposed for the toothless sellout she really is.

FYI, a much better article on the subject.

Comment Re:Could you gush a little more? (Score 2, Informative) 427

The incredible -- or just-precious -- part of it is that InfoWorld believes there is enough of any critical mass of programmers or software industry decision-makers who still frequent Slashdot to make this a worthwhile media buy for them.

Well, I'm both a programmer and a decision maker, and I really wonder about the motivation of someone who would pick Java for a new project. Oracle is beyond toxic.

I'm a certified Java Programmer (1.4) and really don't advertise it any more. Oracle's Java is dead to me.

Submission + - Disappearing stuff from the internet (nakedcapitalism.com) 1

inode_buddha writes: Its well-known that removing something from the internet is nearly impossible, like taking the pee out of the pool. That said, somebody or something is doing a credible job of trying lately. First there was the UCDavis pepper-spray video. Now its a Bernie Sanders ad. Nobody seems to know who or why but it was on the net for a few hours and it is rapdly being pulled and scrubbed. Any one got ideas?

Comment President is in charge of Dept of Justice (Score 1) 314

Under the Consitution, the Congressional branch is the most powerful, and can certainly stall either a Sanders or Trump.

However, the President controls the Dept of Justice, so can bring significant charges against the banking and medical industries. Imagine an SEC that actually does it's job. Ditto w/ the Dept of Treasury. A President should be able to cause significant disruption for the Federal Reserve.

Were either Sanders or Trump to win, to me the greatest threats are assassination and removal from office by the Senate. Impeachment by the House is almost a given.

Comment Re:Can a Hillary supporter step up and explain? (Score 1) 634

Sorry for the Fox link, but here is an example of email that cannot be justified. People will die as a result of this.

"At least one of the emails on Hillary Clinton's private server contained extremely sensitive information identified by an intelligence agency as "HCS-O," which is the code used for reporting on human intelligence sources in ongoing operations, according to two sources not authorized to speak on the record."

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