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Comment Using Notepad? Wow! Neato! (Score 0, Flamebait) 693

The submitter is a real 1337 Hax0r. Ever hear of strings? Vi? I know the Apple apologists are out on full force on this thread (as usual -- 'omg Steve Jobs is personalizing my tracks for me, how thoughtful!'), but I have to disagree with them -- http://bulletinthehead-wakeup.blogspot.com/2007/05/apple-turning-into-law-enforcement-one.html And yes, this is an old story.

Comment NON-STORY ALERT (Score 1) 171

The WSJ's shoddy reporting has been refuted on both the Google Public Policy blog and Lessig's blog. The article is referring to CDNs, which do not figure into any kind of net neutrality calculus. Why the WSJ wanted to run this inaccurate Obama-smear article, I can only speculate (perhaps Murdoch had something to do with this, eh?).

IWF Backs Down On Wiki Censorship 226

jonbryce writes "The Internet Watch Foundation, guardians of the Great Firewall of Britain, have stopped censoring Wikipedia for hosting what they considered to be a child porn image. They had previously threatened to block Amazon for hosting the same image." Here is the IWF's statement, which credits the Streisand Effect for opening their eyes: "...in light of the length of time the image has existed and its wide availability, the decision has been taken to remove this webpage from our list. Any further reported instances of this image which are hosted abroad, will not be added to the list. ... IWF's overriding objective is to minimize the availability of indecent images of children on the internet, however, on this occasion our efforts have had the opposite effect."

Android Also Comes With a Kill-Switch 300

Aviran writes "The search giant is retaining the right to delete applications from Android handsets on a whim. Unlike Apple, the company has made no attempt to hide its intentions, and includes the details in the Android Market terms and conditions, as spotted by Computer World: 'Google may discover a product that violates the developer distribution agreement... in such an instance, Google retains the right to remotely remove those applications from your device at its sole discretion.'"

Submission + - Basecamp hacked?

chainLynx writes: "Basecamp's domain grouphub.org is behaving rather strange lately: when one goes to see their corporate information on the site, the site tries to send them a binary file titled 'todo' or 'clients.' Hacking, anyone?"

Reznor Follows Radiohead, Offers Free Album 327

An anonymous reader writes "Convinced the current music business infrastructure (requiring artists to rely on labels) is broken, Nine Inch Nails front man, Trent Reznor, released his band's new album, Ghosts I — IV (Ghosts Volumes One though Four), on Sunday at 6 PM via his official site, marking yet another business experiment for this artist in the changing music market."

Submission + - MediaDefender Source code leaked (torrentfreak.com)

chainLynx writes: "In addition to MediaDefender's phone calls and emails, its source code has now been leaked. The MediaDefender-Defenders, the hacker group coordinating the leaks, thanks an anonymous MediaDefender employee for providing them with the information. Ed Felten provides a sobering post on his blog which reminds us that there will probably be a backlash with ordinary users as collateral damage. Nevertheless, Hackers:3 MediaDefender: 0."

How Much Does a New Internet Cost? 446

wschalle writes "Given the recent flurry of articles concerning ISP over subscription, increasing bandwidth needs, and lack of infrastructure spending on the part of cable companies, I'm forced to wonder, what is the solution? How much would a properly upgraded internet backbone cost? How long would it take to make it happen? Will the cable companies step up before Verizon's FiOS becomes the face of broadband in America?"

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