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Comment Re:In the future we don't use hard drives? (Score 1) 464

It won't take long until you can get hard disc and DVD enclosures that matches the finish and cross-section of this case and is designed to simply stack under the main case. It would be very cool to have a thunderbolt port in the bottom of the case for that, and with daisy chaining, and another port in the bottom of the add-on enclosure, you could just keep making your tower taller. But even if you're running cables at the back, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

But generally I agree that expandability has been compromised for design and as a result it looks like a great piece of kit for consumers, but maybe not so much for pros. I quite like the trashcan design though - if they'd build one with Core i7 internals, everyday RAM and standard GPUs I would definitely be very interested.

Comment Re:Start here (Score 1) 1145

Actually I'm also only used to mpg, but I'm trying to get into using l/100km.

The problem is no one has any intuition for comparing MPG values. If you do 10000 miles a year, and switch from a car that does 40mpg to one that does 60mpg, how much will you save? The calculation isn't one you can do in your head easily.

But a switch from 7.1 l/100km to 4.7 l/100km? I can work out pretty quickly it will save around 400 litres / £550 a year.

Comment Re:I'm curious to see how many retailers actually (Score 1) 732

I've had a couple of fraudulent transactions over the years but not been held liable for any of them. Once, my card had been used in Russia, and the other time a company had just randomly taken £10 from my account. Both times the bank certainly gave me my money back within a day. I don't know anyone who has ever had money taken by use of a chip and pin card, so I can't say for certain how they treat those transactions if disputed.

My brother had some problems with Paypal completely emptying his account to the overdraft limit. I got involved because he did have trouble getting his money back there, and even though his banking password (which was at the time also his paypal password) was blatantly unsuitable for use in such a setting, he did eventually get all his money back.

Comment Re:I'm curious to see how many retailers actually (Score 1) 732

Strange, but it is not really a problem in the UK. Most payments like these from bank accounts go through the direct debit system, where you authorise the withdrawals from your account only through the direct debit system. When you've cancelled a direct debit at the bank, the seller will no longer be allowed to take money from your account, and from what I hear, it is fairly quick to reverse payments also. If you've cancelled payments unfairly of course, the seller may chase you for payment, but they have to use routes such as collections agencies or the courts rather than just debiting your account automatically.

I'm more than a bit surprised the same system doesn't exist in the US, but then banking is one of the few industries in the UK where we do get generally top class service.

Comment Re:While you're at it... (Score 1) 661

Up to about 150dpi, I'd prefer just using the resolution for more 'space'. Certainly on a 30" monitor, I think 4K resolution would look fine without the DPI scaling. I'm writing this reply from a Vaio P-series with an 8" 1600x768 screen, and again I don't use DPI scaling on this one either, however I'm also about half the distance from the screen than I would be on my desktop monitor.

Most new programs seem to scale reasonably well. But windows strong point was always backwards compatibility. A lot of old stuff does still work in Vista / 7 but doesn't really deal with scaling properly. I think if people started buying higher res screens, application developers would fix the remaining problems.

Comment Re:While you're at it... (Score 1) 661

That's what gets me down. It's nearly 6 years now since I bought my 2560x1600 30" monitor and nothing has moved, except the price for what I already have has gone up about 40%.

I'm pretty sure Apple has comprehensively shown people are willing to pay a premium for a decent screen, I just don't understand why this one area has stood still for a whole decade. I'd happily pay £1000 for a 4K monitor (well happily except for begrudging the fact such a thing hasn't been available for years already!)

Comment Re:Bull turds! (Score 1) 349

It doesn't matter to the client whether your software segfaulted or replied 'sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that'. Either way, it hasn't completed a use-case that it is meant to do. And that fact may well mean that a load of downstream activities happen differently, and you quite possibly have gained nothing by rejecting it.

Comment Re:Abstraction (Score 2) 516

Rohirric had roughly the same old-but-understandable relationship to Westron (common speech) as Old English has to Modern English.

Huh? Old English is not even vaguely understandable - I don't even recognise most of the letters. I thought to myself that reading Beowulf in it's original format would be interesting. It would be, but I'd need to put serious time into learning a new language.

Comment Re:Fun names worked great, for a while. (Score 1) 429

The admins should be able to trivially look up a name in a spreadsheet. We've got a lot of redundant server pairs, and an application that shows the current server name in the corner. With fun names, you can ask a user which server they are on, and often they know the answer without checking. Good luck with them knowing LON-EXC-01 without spending a couple of minutes looking it up.

Comment Re:Misleading to call it "non-copied" (Score 2, Insightful) 657

If you read TFA (which admittedly, also very nearly misses the point) you'll see the point is this photo isn't just a recording of something. There are certain aspects of it chosen by the artist - the white sky, the monochrome background, the red bus - which therefore can be copyrighted. And furthermore, the defendant had photographed the second image especially to avoid having to pay a licence for the original image.

While the second image isn't copied either digitally or by photocopier, it is still a copied image. If the defendant had the idea for the image independantly, it would be arguable, but in this case it is well documented that he did not.

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