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Comment Re:Where does Light Peak fit? (Score 5, Insightful) 311

First, it's intel's tech, not apples. Second, apple's pushed alot of good tech forward, maybe it's just that i'm not a bigot, but who cares who's pushing it? Would you rather sony push it and rename it ilink2? I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with Google pushing it? which makes your post, infuriating to me. Any company that brings it, even in a proprietary form will spur on innovation. I didn't hear anything about DLNA until Apple started pushing airplay. The rise of android can be easily traced to apple's iphone, and a very worried verizon wireless. it's good for us all, ffs.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 505

Way to be an asshole for mod points. I'm not sure the OP was saying "no wall outlet plugs, they will de evolved your children" And a couple thousand of us took it the right way, because were not total idiots. He's talking about the extreme. As in your extremely dense for not getting the point. /done being an asshole (not for points however)

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 505

Actually as you've said twice, it's NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB TO (just) RAISE THEM TO 18 AND LET THEM GO. (you idiot) It's to prepare them for as much of life as you can, which is good bad and unexpected. IMO your children will not be ready for the real world, but if it makes you feel better, there's a whole league of nanny parents who will have to take care of there children till there death. your one of them. There is no set age for a child to just be "set loose" and listening to laws for parental guidance just shines lights on you being blaring inadequate as parents. your kids are going to be fucked up (imo)

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 505

I feel really bad for your kids, mainly because your an untrusting idiot. Way to take away any chance he she has at making informed decisions without you. Because that's not an important skill right? As if by the age of 15-16 you have any control whatsoever. If you remember those "horror"mones i don't see how you don't remember how easy it is to slip out of a window.

Comment Re:Tablets (Score 1) 155

No, you were, hence your "my platform is BB, iPhone, and Android. How do I not have the foundation then?" Again, by foundation i meant the built in frameworks in the dev kit, which allow you to in much less time and effort, accelerate your game. Thank you for brining up another developer pitfall of android though, fragmentation through tons of devices with different requirements and android versions.

Comment Re:Tablets (Score 1) 155

You named about 3 apps in the history of the appstore History, the same three everyone else quotes, without actually knowing the full context of why they were declined. (i don't either, but i'm sure at least one of them was gathering to much info or doing something nefarious.

Assumption! (the downfall of both our arguments)

Regardless, my point was you don't have the foundation on your platform of choice to get awesome games - which you don't.

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