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Comment Re:Not that surprising (Score 4, Insightful) 196

That's how you end up being PHP. Python 3 fixes core mistakes made in earlier versions of the language, and makes it harder to write bad code. That's a good thing, and the last thing you want is a language full of 20 ways to do something, 18 of which are deprecated. Removing backwards compatibility for the 3.x line was a good idea.

Comment This is a basic problem with all education. (Score 1) 77

In my experience, this is the case for everything, from primary school through to university. Memorisation is the way that stuff is taught throughout education, which makes sense - it's easy, makes marking and standardised testing easier, and it makes people seem competent. It also ignores the fact that learning the concepts and being able to apply them is so much more important.

Comment Re:And... (Score 2) 179

Which is why we should be asking for two-factor auth on every site, and using unique random passwords stored in a password vault for websites that need passwords. That way, if someone gets your password, it's a) useless without your phone b) useless for any other site. Unfortunately, it's extra hassle for developer and end user, so only a few people do it.

Comment The exact opposite of what you want to do. (Score 2) 183

The number one thing that programmers need to learn, and from what I have seen, don't at University, is how to read documentation and apply the learnt concept to their code. The easiest way to learn to do that is to learn by doing. Programming is probably the easiest thing in the world that requires a fair amount of knowledge to do without formal education - the resources are vast and great. A mixture of a good language (personally, a huge fan of Python, and it's often considered a good language to learn, but really, anything with a large standard library will do), it's documentation, Google and StackOverflow will be enough.

Comment Re:Good news for the Python community (Score 1) 180

Yeah, the issue is that Python is pretty hard to sandbox, being the hugely dynamic language it is. I imagine it would take a lot to get the browsers to stop working on their JavaScript implementations that they have sunk insane amounts of time and effort into, and start something brand new.

Trust me, I'd love to see it happen, but I don't think it will.

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