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Comment Re:I think he's dealt with other orthodox types (Score 1) 367

However, for whatever reason, the Talmudic interpretation has decided that electricity is fire. I'm not sure why, but that is what the orthodox churches teach.

The story I heard is that switching electricity on or off is fire, because flipping the switch may cause a tiny spark.

(Which would explain why you would be allowed to leave your electric oven on - it's the switching process that's not allowed rather than the electricity per se.)

Comment Re:Closed how? "Wontfix?" (Score 1) 267

Who says they even need to claim that so-and-so change fixed it? One time when I looked around Launchpad, a common way I was seeing issues getting closed was someone coming several months later and being like "this was reported for 12.10, can you reproduce it in 13.04?" and then closing it as incomplete when the user who has probably switched to a similar package or another distro at that point no longer cares.

JWZ on this:

Comment Re:rather have money (Score 1) 524

Near ten years as a software developer with no major medical bills (crossing fingers it continues). Don't remember the exact amount it saves me each paycheck but I think by this point I've covered the high deductible.

That depends on what you did with the money you saved.

Did you put it in the bank (or under your mattress) so that you'll be able to pay the deductible in the unfortunate event you would need it?

Or did you spend it?

Comment Flickr (Score 1) 162

Agreed. I pay for both every year!

And now suddenly free Flickr users get - what was it? - 100 terabytes free, removing much of the draw of Flickr Pro (which isn't even sold any more, though you can now buy an "Ad Free" level).

I had also paid for Flickr but this recent change is making me reconsider. (In particular, wondering how long Flickr will still be around.)

Comment Fixing cars (Score 1) 368

The real problem is that kids aren't given the suggestion to look at trades these days, they got the same spiel that we were getting in the 80's and 90's, that going into technology is the way to go. But everyone needs someone to lay and fit pipe, fix their car, and so on.

Unfortunately, to fix someone's car these days, you need to get into technology as well :(

It used to be that you could fix a car or a television set if you were a reasonable tech.

But now it's all electronic and you basically swap the entire component (logic board, control device, what have you) - and you essentially need the diagnostic equipment from the original manufacturer to plug into the on-board circuit to read out the fault codes.

Comment Re:Why so much bloat Firefox??? (Score 1) 153

I beg of you to please strip anything out of Firefox that is not part to the web browsing experience and put it back in as a plugin if you have to. Just focus on being a web browser and having the best plug in interface possible.

The funny thing is, wasn't that what Firefox (or Phoenix, back then) originally set out to do? Strip anything out of the Mozilla browser suite (now Seamonkey, I think?) that is not part of the web browsing experience and allow people to put it back in as a plugin if they want to?

Comment Re:Dubious story, dubious subject... (Score 2) 92

Another thing that bothers me (a lot) is from people who know absolutely nothing about my professional capability endorsing my professional capability...

I think that's because LinkedIn pushes suggested endorsements into your face when you visit the site, so lots of people probably just click on them "yes, yes, whatever" simply to make them go away.

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