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Comment Re:"The World" (Score 2) 215

Kudos to the author for including a google maps link. All news stories should do that now.
If you look south of the sludge pond you can see what looks like an older sludge pond that is being processed. Yes, it's nasty and dangerous and definitely should be contained, but isn't that what sludge ponds are for? To keep all that nasty stuff contained for later processing.

Comment We have the technology (Score 1) 42

Smartphones are so powerful now that cryptography software hasn't caught up yet. We have the computing power in phones now to do things not possible just a couple years ago. You could do things like real time steganography where the real audio message is hidden inside a fake conversation. The hardware is here, we just need an app for that.

Comment Re:Maybe you should have read more than one senten (Score 1) 264

Not everyone has the same experience as you do.
Another quote from the article:

Kolbe believes the site's flaws are felt more keenly outside the West. "People in the developing world don't always understand how Wikipedia is created. It's such a credible website, it comes so high up the search rankings - people think it's just another encyclopedia."

Comment Re:incredulity != evidence (Score 0) 573

He shows he hasn't looked at paleoclimate reconstructions

Neither have you.

We are still well below the average temperatures for the Cenozoic era (and life goes on).
For a majority of the Cenozoic there have been no polar ice caps (and life went on).
We are currently in an ice age inter-glacial period.
50, 100, even 1000 years is an extremely short period geologically speaking.

Patrick Moore believes that anthropogenic global warming is not a grave threat to the planet and that climate change is being used as a scare tactic for political purposes. Based on the geologic record, I'd have to agree.

Comment Re:If they aren't doing anything wrong (Score 1) 130

People running large organizations generally try to increase their business by increasing their customer base. This rewards them by increasing their income and influence. It's the human nature of personality types that gravitate to running large organizations.
Now what if the large organization is a government entity? How do they expand their "business"? How do the people running them increase their income and influence? They do it by increasing the output of their "product". Unfortunately for citizens, the government's "product" is regulations and control.

TLDR: Due to human nature, unless some definite boundaries are set in law, any government entity will eventually try to expand its powers and influence.

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