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Comment Neptune's Domain (Score 0, Redundant) 374

No captain of any seagoing vessel that does not respect the ocean upon which he sails ever escapes the wrath of Neptune. The sea will ultimately get it's revenge.

p.s. I'd like to believe usul294's post below, citing references would help. How do you see a whale underwater with binoculars? Seems like everyone in this thread bought the lie that we need the govt to protect us at all costs.

Comment Re:Poverty (Score 4, Funny) 785

A stick? Luxury.

We had to make jump rope from our own eyebrows. The only way to play hop scotch was to break our own leg, then trace the court on the ground with our protruding bone. When our dad came home and found out we broke our own legs and marked up the drive way, he used to drag us through a cactus patch with our own jump rope tied round our necks.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 4, Insightful) 440

Now, this is a product that can sometimes detect a virus but can't remove it, whatsoever.

Ah yes... Windows. The only system where I can be logged in as the super user only to be told I can't delete a file. Access Denied. I always feel like Windows reserves the higher system privileges for people attacking your system, or malicious software already running on your system. /sigh

Comment Author is a Jackass (Score 1) 88

I liked the article. Some good bits in there, lacking in detail or a good algorithm like any AI article.

But I am going to euphemistically call the author a Jackass for the following:

For example, inside a classroom there would be one specific set of social norms if it's full, a different set if it's empty, and wholly unrelated reactions when being shot at.

Thanks. I've got this idea in my head about always think about your characters animating with adverbs. I'm feeling mildly inspired. Then you give me a visual of a classroom being shot at? Find another example quickly, you insensitive clod.

Comment Re:Other countries (or: Is it over please?) (Score 1) 1912

I find this interesting. I am amazed at how much other countries cover US elections. Canada had elections a few weeks back, they are one of our two neighbors and I saw nearly zero coverage in US media. We never hear about other countries elections, maybe the UK. Last time before that was something in Israel, something about Hamas being terrorists.

I can imagine few in any other country gives a rats ass about our election. But it gets pushed so much. Is that media conglomeration pushing agenda? Does it matter to someone in Australia, or Tanzania, or India, or France, or Netherlands, that much? Why don't we get bombarded over here with other countries and their politics and elections? Is it just that I am reading the english language version of those sources and only seeing stories about US? I hear non-Americans having an opinion on which candidate they like! I never overhear discussions on who the next King of Belgium or Italy is going to be, much less anyone over here having an opinion or even being informed.

At any rate, I apologize. We are just as tired of it as you are. It is broken beyond our control, has taken on a life of its own, and is rapidly getting worse. Our only hope is that it will collapse on itself.

Comment Re:ATM machines... (Score 1) 1912

We do millions of financial transactions per day with all the things you mentioned and it works pretty well. Diebold even makes ATM machines for crying out loud. The only reason voting doesn't work flawlessly is because someone doesn't want it to, and the people don't care.

Comment Re:solarcells in the netboot/laptop lid (Score 1) 262

I wire does not transmit all of a charge. Unless you are using some thick cables, you will encounter more resistance with the longer the cable run. You are looking at 0.04 Ohms per 10ft for AWG 16 wire. You have 60ft of cable, so you are already looking at 0.24 ohms, v = i x r, 5A x 0.24 = 1.2V lost in your cable run. For 10 AWG, you are still losing 0.3V for the same run and amperage. This is a inefficient system to begin with, so details like this come into play.

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