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Comment Re:And now RIM (Score 1) 188

Just like Nokia and Palm. "we have a great product people are buying so let's keep doing the same thing". And alone came Apple with the iPod touch/iPhone and Android. They took to long to realise that they had been overtaken and needed to actually innovate for the first time in 10 years.

Comment Re:Natural progressions (Score 1) 314

E-mail will replace regular mail. It's been a slow process, but the Post Office (in the US and Britain; I can't speak for other countries) is starting to cut back; The majority of what is being sent out are physical goods and junk mail (advertising). Many people here have switched to online bill pay, and most banks offer automatic payment if the company (rarely) doesn't do bill to credit card.

I can say Australia Post is becoming more of a courier company than postal service. They are now pushing an "Digital mail box" service to "Receive - Your own digital mailbox to securely receive important mail. Pay - Easy payment of your bills. Store - Private and secure storage for your important documents"

I don't think anyone has told them this is called email/electronic banking and has been around for years!

Comment Re:Ripped-off? Just rip it! (Score 1) 587

This is one of the reasons we rip every DVD to our media server as soon as we buy it. No unskippable bits, no insults from FBI warnings or other time wasting, just the movie or set of episodes or videos that we paid for. There are a couple of drawers full of disks that are no longer needed for viewing (kept as backup and as proof of purchase). Another reason for ripping stuff to the server is simple convenience: not having to dig around for the right disk and stuff it in a mechanical device to play, hoping it has not gotten scratched through handling.

What you said! All my discs have been in the player on average of once, to be ripped, then shelved in the cupboard.

Comment Re:Charge them more! (Score 1) 259

That'll teach them for living in Ausfailia.

?? Where you born a dick or did you grow up to become one ?? Oh hang on, are you just jealous that Australia is still kicking along strong when the rest of the world including you little part is turning to shit? Is that why we get screwed, "they can afford it and prop us up" syndrome?

Comment Re:Why is this news? (Score 1) 386

...or maybe Australia can actually spend money on dealing with the China problem instead of having the US solve the world's problems.

I don't think Australia actually has that big of a problem with China (apart from letting them supply NBN hardware :-)).

The US is very far from perfect but at the same time the rest of the world needs to step up and stop expecting the US to police the world-- clearly we are bad at it.

When was the US asked to police the world for us? They seem to have to have taken on the "bend down to us or bend over to us, you choose" approach somewhere in recent history and not been told where to go due to some misplaced feeling of obligation or straight out fear.

Comment What? (Score 4, Insightful) 386

Did the clown sprouting this crap listen to himself? God forbid a country that isn't the USA look after it's own industries and interests! To be honest I and many Aussies can't trust the Yanks as far as we could throw them, let alone let them store our data. Typical self centred 2 year old tantrum by some Yank dickwad who thinks the world should revolve around the USA. Yet another reason to build a 100ft wall around the USA until their idiot government/corporations (same thing?) learn to play with the grown ups.

Comment Re:Could make sense (Score 1) 217

I'm ok with slower ADSL that works 24/7.

Way to go, Telestra ! They still have some smart people in charge.

And how do you power your ADSL modem in the blackout? UPS? The same as the NTU in the FTTH can have? Personally I can't wait until the NBN get's here. If we have a blackout I tether my mobile to my laptop to keep in touch with the internet if required. Otherwise I joy the novelty of it with the family (the kids think it's a hoot!). Seriously not having the internet/phones for hour/day isn't the end of the world. They lived without them both not so long ago.

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