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Comment Re:How does the data get around the transformers? (Score 1) 120

When the US was looking at this a bit harder. It was said some Japanese scientists had figured out how to get data past the transformers. (up/down)
As this was one of the largest hurdles it stuck in my head. I believe it has been taken care of and if I recall it was fairly elegant and cheap.

I'd really like a third broadband option.. or even a fourth that is similar in speeds to Cable. AT&T can't even hope to compete with my current Comcast speeds. "unless they do fttp"

At&t can do 18mbps as long as I leave the line alone and don't watch TV on it at the same time. Meh.

Comment Re:Anti-bacterial soap will kill you all. (Score 1) 333

I was 42 years old before I ever took an Anti-Biotic. I was nicknamed pig pen when I was a kid.. 2 minutes.. I was brown "while normally I am pasty white haha" In General the only thing I've ever had infections in were open wounds and then very infrequently. I am sick on the avg of once per year and it's because I'm too stubborn to get a flu-shot. I haven't a single major allergy to anything other than fresh cut grass. "and that was acquired somehow as I did not have it when younger"
Keep your kids dirty.. wash them 4 times a week. Clean their hands before they eat. Introduce them to as many places and things as you can while they are young.

Comment Re:Relevance (Score 2, Funny) 377

In California if I use my car.. it's 27 cents per gallon tax (18c norm and they add sales tax).
What I find hilarious.. is that any so called loophole Amazon is using is a LEGAL one. Bitch all you want but it is legal.

In my case if I don't pay my tax at the end of the year, my savings just from Amazon would be around 100.00. Of course I will dutifully report any and all purchases on the declaration line.(meh)

If I order online someone else is paying taxes to operate here. The money used to get that company to my house pays taxes. So they've paid "or amazon paid" to make a trip to my house. They paid for the road and the highest vehicle registration taxes in the nation.
California is NOT a business friendly state. We already have a law that states we must pay a tax if one is not collected. It is NOT Amazon's responsibility to collect it.

For 1 gallon of gas 27c goes to California Plus if I spend a dollar at Dollar Tree it's another 9 cents to them. So 36c to drive to the store and pick up 1.00 worth of food. They wonder why this state is bankrupt?


IBM's Plans For the Cell Processor 124

angry tapir writes "Development around the original Cell processor hasn't stalled, and IBM will continue to develop chips and supply hardware for future gaming consoles, a company executive said. IBM is working with gaming machine vendors including Nintendo and Sony, said Jai Menon, CTO of IBM's Systems and Technology Group, during an interview Thursday. 'We want to stay in the business, we intend to stay in the business,' he said. IBM confirmed in a statement that it continues to manufacture the Cell processor for use by Sony in its PlayStation 3. IBM also will continue to invest in Cell as part of its hybrid and multicore chip strategy, Menon said."

Comment Re:Finally!! (Score 1) 77

I'll play,

Imaginary Slashdot Girlfriend: What the hell are you saying. What is this Vo-eep thing. Are you using it alone? How come I can't vo-eep with you? You don't love me!

I'm sitting here all alone while you have your vo-eep to keep you happy. That's it. between vo-eep and slashdot you never want to do anything. I hate you! Don't ever call me again.

"please apologize to your Mother, Tell her this in no way means I do not like her. I didn't mean it when I said she should move you out of the basement."

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