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Comment Re:Not new (Score 1) 300

I have a daughter who is not allowed to watch me play (she's 4)

Why is she not allowed to play?

Granted, I'm picking nits, but note that this is not, in fact, what the GP says. "Not allowed to watch me play" =/=> "Not allowed to play"

And if it's not okay for her, why is it okay for you?

Yes, because children are exactly like little adults and can and should be exposed to all of the same stimuli as adults. Yeesh. Spoken like a true (i) childless person, (ii) lying person *with* child, or (iii) person *with* child that is going to grow up way too fast.

Perhaps whatever you're doing is either (a) not harmful for her to see and you could play it during normal waking hours, or (b) harmful for both of you and you should stop.

Or perhaps it's (c) OK for adults to see, but *not* 4 YEAR OLDS.

Comment Re:This is awesome (Score 1) 243

[Scientists] have a discussion like adults, they look at the math, one side is correct and they correct their experiment and thank them for the contribution.'re kidding, right? Don't get me wrong, I'm a scientist (well, in some people's eyes) and I love when it works the way it's supposed to, but it's so rare that I sure as hell don't hang my happiness hat on it.

To think that scientists don't jealously guard their pet theories, or that politics and sociology don't play a major role in the development/advancement (or lack thereof) in science is just to be woefully blind to the truths of human nature. Everyone consistently (although perhaps mostly unknowingly) takes full advantage of Duhem-Quine by tweaking auxiliary hypotheses/assumptions.

Comment Re:not just women (Score 1) 616

In fact, I've been asked by a boss when will my kids be old enough that I can 'get serious about my career'[...]

I'll surely catch some flack from the right-wing/libertarian contingent here on /. for pointing this out, I'm pretty sure that kind of question is illegal.

Actually, now that I think about it, I only know it's illegal up here in Socalist Canada...

(...hmm...a new joke meme? "In Socialist Canada, government takes care of YOU!")

Comment Re:I hope P.B. win this trial (Score 1) 406

Which doesn't change the fact that the view on copyright and media sharing presented on /. is massively biased, and doesn't reflect the general consensus of the wider population, which is exactly what the OP was saying.

The problem, of course, is that most people's opinions are formed on the basis of information distributed to them via Big Media. So really it's a cruddy chicken-and-egg problem that I at least don't see any way to solve. People like Michael Geist are fighting the good fight disseminating (relatively) objective information about copyright & associated issues, but really he's kind of preaching to the choir (i.e. not reaching many laypeople).

Comment Re:This is a scam (Score 3, Informative) 409

1. Stem cells similar to those present in cord blood are easily obtained from our own (adult) blood if/when the need arises.
2. Very low chance that they will be useful to siblings/parents/other relatives.
3. No guarantee of how well these cells survive in the cryogenic environment. No guarantee from the banks of backup plans in case of failure.
4. All fancy stuff (about regenerating organs) from the cells is science fiction so far.
5. Medical science could find alternative ways to cure your conditions by then.
6. The bank guys are great at emotional blackmail --- like giving the greatest gift to your newborn, and being a bad parent otherwise. I had one guy who told me that I might even make money selling it in future. Shame on him.

My wife and I also discussed cord-blood banking a lot before our girl was born. We read loads, talked loads, and when we met our OB-GYN, she basically said "don't bother" and gave reasons 1, 3, and 6, putting particular emphasis on 3 (in fact, 2 different OBs gave the same reasoning for not bothering). We opted not to bank with a clear conscience.

Of course, like everything else about parenting decisions, this is a massively personal decision that should be made in close consultation with your spouse/partner & medical support person, and whatever makes you all feel most comfortable should outweigh any /. comments enough to pretty much render them moot.

Also, congrats on the new addition. It gets easier after about 10 weeks, I swear. :0)


Submission + - Watchmen is greenlit (

Internalist writes: "According to The Beeb, the Watchmen movie is set to be released on March 6th, as originally planned. Now that Warner and Fox have settled, everything is good to go, and the studios have released a joint statement to the effect that 'Warner Bros. and Fox, like all Watchmen fans, look forward with great anticipation to this film's 6 March release in theatres.'"

Comment I say giv'er (Score 1) 137

Seriously. Imagine the public outcry if even just RIM and Nokia stopped all imports of mobile devices overnight (people luuuurve their N810s---don't even get me started on Crackberries). Since RIM's communications all go through a couple of central points, maybe they could even disable ALL of their devices.

"Sorry John Q. Public...this company here, at address ABC, phone number NNX-XXXX, says we're being bad. Take it up with them."

OK, so maybe that wouldn't really happen...I'll go back to the basement now. OK, I was in the basement all along.

Comment Re:Apps! (Score 1) 476

One of my customers is a K-12 school. They have 10K students, and 390 different windows applications.

Where do you live, man? What elementary/high school has ten thousand students?!? And I thought my high school was big at 1000...yikes.

And what apps do high school people need that don't run on Linux?

Comment Re:IDE for Python. (Score 1) 133

Or WingIDE...(yes, yes...non-FREE, yadda yadda)'s a great IDE that does all the good stuff you want (great code completion, good customizability, good VCS integration, good project management, etc). Has been rock-solid on my Kubuntu (6.10-8.04) boxes.

AND, if you're a Linux developer working on a project, it's free-as-in-beer...yup, they'll give you a license for the Personal (maybe even the Professional?) version.

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