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Comment Really ? (Score 1) 987

By people: all individuals in the US do you love, including all people from Georgia to Alaska, Hawaii to Virgin Islands ?

Then you love your government as they are run by individuals (the federal and state governments must be tens of millions of people including politicians).

But you say you hate government ...then you are inconsistent or illogical.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 164

I am sure if you dropped that DVD of snow-leopard it would have worked out of the box...oh wait that hardware is no longer supported !
Aren't you glad you have a community that gave you OS/software that still works for your older hardware (albeit be cranky)?

Comment Opposition by majority of americans != right (Score 2, Insightful) 368

I am sure majority of American voters (of the time) would have opposed civil rights law or abolishing slavery or vote/equality for women.
That is why referendum on every major decision is a bad idea.
You vote for what you think is the best leaders and let them make decision popular or unpopular and kick them out if you want
later...i think that is better than making decision by popular acceptance which would mean daily electioneering already its terrible every 2 years.

Run for power if you think you'd do a better job than is being done. But the question is: ow come every libertarian or small govt person that gets into power morphs into yet another protect wall street person ? Is Wall St the center of liberterianism ?

Comment Uruguay (Score 1) 171

Every child in Uruguay has one

Uruguay was the first country to have reached, in 2009, full coverage of their primary students (and their teachers) population by the OLPC's (One Laptop Per Child) XO through the Plan Ceibal.

Thus Uruguay has 3 children only !

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