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Laser Treatment Could Save the Sight of Millions 95

BotScout writes "British experts claim that a new laser treatment could save the sight of millions of people. The process is said to stop the onset of age-related macular degeneration, one of the most common forms of blindness, which leaves victims unable to read, drive or live independently. The technique rejuvenates the Bruch's membrane — a thin layer that lies behind the retina. The process takes just ten to 15 minutes and could be done by any ophthalmologist. While it does not cure sight loss, its inventor, Professor John Marshall, says it could prevent a generation from having to put up with declining vision in old age."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Researcher Trolls MMO, Surprised When Players Hate Him 895

D1gital_Prob3 writes with this excerpt from a story about David Myers, a Loyola professor who spent some time studying superhero MMO City of Heroes/Villains: "... he aimed the pointer at his opponent, the virtual comic book villain 'Syphris.' Myers, 55, flicked the buttons on his mouse and magically transported his opponent to the front of a cartoon robot execution squad. In an instant, the squad pulverized the player. Syphris fired an instant message at Myers moments later. 'If you kill me one more time I will come and kill you for real and I am not kidding.' ... As part of his experiment, Myers decided to play the game by the designers' rules — disregarding any customs set by the players. His character soon became very unpopular. At first, players tried to beat him in the game to make him quit. Myers was too skilled to be run off, however. They then made him an outcast, a World Wide Web pariah that the creator of Syphris — along with hundreds of other faceless gamers — detested."

Comment my first router/gateway (Score 1) 739

When I moved in with some friends that wanted to split an internet connection back in '99, there weren't too many all-in-one routers, and those that did exist were either expensive or sucked. One of my roomies and I figured "hey, we can make our own router using linux!" So we dug through a trash bin near the CS building, found an old 386 with a dead disk controller and patched it up and added 2 ethernet cards. With a few bucks we bought a cheap 8 port hub and installed redhat 6.0 (it had just been released, and it was all that was cool in those days). We had done some internet research beforehand to learn ipchains enough to set up forwarding, and away we went. It worked so well we eventually started using the linux box as a common fileserver, name server, print server, web server, etc.

I've been a RH/fedora user ever since.

Comment Re:This is going to hurt smaller research groups a (Score 1) 164

The converse is also true -- I use the journal's screening to figure out what to read because I don't have time to read every single thing, even preliminarily. ... IMO, what will actually happen is that a free/open system is that the loss of the imprimatur of journal publication will mean increased reliance on other ways to quickly evaluate works.

I have an idea for this. I sometimes hang out on this website where lots of people are submitting things to be published. I don't feel like reading all of the submissions, but the great part is that other users can score up some of the submitted content so I can filter through the chaff and just look at the stuff that is most likely interesting or worthwhile. And I can just go to subsections of content that I'm primarily interested in. Then - and this is the cool part - every submission is debated in a moderated, open forum - where again, I can filter through the comments using a number of criteria and read only the "top rated" information, if I so choose.

I think the website is called slashdot. Have you ever checked out how it works?

Without name-brand journals, name-recognition will become even more important, which will lead to even more of the sort of "superstar" science in which funding and interest is ever more concentrated in a few research groups.

I would argue that without name-brand journals, name recognition will rely on more realistic metrics (like the quality of the work, not necessarily where stuff gets published) and therefore may be a better measure than the current system.

Comment forensics? (Score 1) 314

I'm surprised no one has suggested forensics yet. If you're not able to get the students into an actual lab, its a great way to keep them interested in a physics problem:
- given a ballistic pattern of a bullet OR
- given a blood splatter pattern OR
- a fall OR
- from a position of a body:
determine trajectories, velocities, etc. and likelihood a death is suicide or homicide.

- use momentum to analyze a car crash, or any force-related accident, and reconstruct it.

CSI is popular partly because of physics.

Comment Re:How is any of this new? (Score 1) 257

I find the article to be more of a review of past work than actual news. It covers several topics that anyone could read about by picking up a recent biology textbook (siRNA, the ribosome, alternative splicing, etc). I'm surprised this is on the front page of slashdot, while Nature dedicated almost an entire issue regarding the future of DNA technology, including the current state-of-the-art on personalized genomes. Now that is news for nerds.

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