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Comment It could be even better... (Score 1) 238

This technology could go even one step further and when the razor ad comes on in from of men and they all walk away, it could herald us NOT seeing razor adverts ever again!
Of course this will cause the advert model to crumble as advertisers will see that no-one gives a crap about their product, so they won't bother advertising unless they spend huge on a campaign and only advertise infrequently.
Or something.

Comment Stare at them until they stop.. (Score 1) 904

I don't have a problem with breastfeeding in public, if they don't have a problem with people staring and oggling.
It is a two way street, you can't complain about breastfeeding in public, just as you can't complain about people staring at your breasts when exposed.
Personally I am not a fan on the basis that I generally like my restaurant to be restaurant, my beaches to be beaches and my baby changing to be done privately (as my changing would be)


NSA Whistleblowers Reveal Extent of Eavesdropping 222

ma11achy was one of several readers to write about claims made by two former military intercept operators who worked for the NSA that "Despite pledges by President George W. Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home." Ars Technica has a brief report as well, and reader net_shaman adds a link to Glenn Greenwald's opinion piece on the eavesdropping at Salon.

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
