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Comment Re:Lab coat pocket? (Score 1) 617

About 1.5 lbs IIRC. I was even more interested to find that the Kindle DX is over 2 lbs, about a kilogram.

A Kindle DX is 1.18 pounds, about twice that of a regular Kindle. I don't think you were comparing their weights, you were just saying that they're both "sort of heavy", but the Kindle does weight less. A 400 page novel probably weighs about a pound... and both the Kindle and iPad are likely to weight less than a textbook.

Comment Re:Sorry Ars, you are animated too (Score 1) 1051

It's been so long since I've heard those words yelled at me through my computer speakers. Not to mention seeing so many huge ads of almost naked women when I'm trying to do something basic on the internet. It takes some effort for people to other to install ad-block and much more effort for someone out there to maintain their list of things to block, so it's clearly in response to something hugely bothersome.

Comment Re:But who verified it was really her?! (Score 1) 248

Yes, but in court you have to provide evidence. And you can refute that evidence. So it becomes rational.

You are right, but what elFisico's talking about happens anyway. How many people do we see get in trouble for "child porn" and have their names and faces plastered all over the news before any decision has been made? You can bet even if they are 100% innocent, their lives have been ruined for the next 10 or 20 years.

Comment Re:This Video is FAKE (Score 2, Informative) 224

It's dishonest because for both the "2s" and "4s" solve of the cube, the cube was not fully scrambled. In fact, for the 2 second solve, the cube only had one single turn on it when the timer started. It is dishonest because he CLEARLY and obviously did not scramble the cube for both the 2 second and 4 second time. Look at the video at 30s and freeze it at the start of the timer and you'll see exactly what I mean. I can't honestly believe that you don't know what I mean by "dishonest" if you haven't done this simple task for me.

And yeah, you were right about the 18 moves thing, I was quickly looking for a number to back up my argument. The fact that 18 is actually lower than the optimal lower bound strengthens my argument instead of weakening it, though.

For the four moves, you need to see much more than a "single face" to solve a rubik's cube. When solving a cube, you do not look at faces, but rather look at the pieces that make up the cube: the "corners" which have 3 stickers on them, and the "edges" which have 2 stickers on them.

Comment This Video is FAKE (Score 4, Informative) 224

Okay, it's not FAKE but it's completely and entirely dishonest. I can solve the rubik's cube in about 20 seconds over an average of 12 solves, so I have a thorough understanding of human speed-solving. Computers, on the other hand, would go for some idea solution that a human brain is not capable of producing. This is especially true since the robot in this video moves EXTREMELY slowly, about 1-2 turns per second on average. Human hands can EASILY sustain 3-5 moves per second. This computer, to solve the Rubik's cube in 2 seconds as in the first part of the video, or 4 seconds as in the second part of the video, would have to be able to solve the cube in 4-10 moves. The optimal solution for solving a rubik's cube has already been bounded at about 18 moves (look it up).

Still don't believe me? Start watching and replay the video from 30s onwards. Freeze the video when the timer starts at 0:00 and look at the cube, it is actually a single 90 degree rotation away from a fully solved state.

The 4s video beginning at 1:07 shows several rotations of the WHOLE CUBE without making any actual moves, then does 4 turns and solve it, which means that it wasn't anywhere near a scrambled state to begin with.

More evidence that it's fake? Is there any information on this other than a 2 minute video on youtube?

Comment Re:Ask the user (Score 1) 276

Bombarding them with more security questions isn't really going to increase security, it's just going to increase frustration.

Marginally related, but this is exactly why Windows Vista security doesn't work. It asks a question for almost everything you do, if an application connects to the internet, if you want to delete a file, if you want to move a shortcut, or if you want to run that suspicious looking program. They all have similar or identical prompts that come up! Everybody gets so used to clicking the big "Allow" button every time they start up their game that if one popped up right now out of nowhere I'd probably instinctively click allow before realizing what I was doing.

Now to avoid the off-topic mod... this is absolutely right on as to why there is such a debate over the issue of allowing CA certificates by default. Otherwise certificates will start to be like Windows Vista UAC.

Comment Re:What constitutes "fake" hardware? (Score 4, Interesting) 161

On top of all this, this kind of story will hurt Cisco's brand image as well. Next time you go out to buy something from a small electronics store, you may decide to go with a different brand since you know for a fact that many counterfeit Cisco products have been packaged and sold as the real thing.

Comment Re:Earl Sinclair (Score 1) 219

I think it's pretty impressive that colors like black, orange, and even white have traditionally been used to color dinosaurs in books and museums, and now they're finding that they may in fact be the actual colors. We do see greens a lot, but black and dark orange are very popular dinosaur colors.

Comment Re:Why do you say this? (Score 1) 178

For some people, sure, but they could potentially lose a lot of viewers as well. Hulu currently hosts a surprisingly huge amount of anime. This, however, makes sense, since Japanese animation studios tend not to be so uptight about copyright issues and so there are at least 10 streaming versions of every major anime in existence on a site somewhere... Hulu offers a stable, consistently high-quality video in return for 1 minute or two of commercials per episode, so the company can make advertising money out of a demographic that does not usually see commercials. If the amount of commercials goes up, I'd imagine those viewers would just go back to the no-ads versions that are easily found.

Comment Re:What part of "use a proxy" can't he understand? (Score 1, Insightful) 577

You know what? What do you expect the police to do in this position? An actual idiot from Nigeria just set his pants on fire in an attempt to blow up an airplane and the government was criticized since they had "clues" but didn't act on it.

This guy was simply arrested, questioned, and released. I don't see the humor in saying "these airline delays suck, i'm going to commit an act of terrorism and kill thousands of people!" That's the equivalent of saying "these elevators are so fucking slow, i'm gonna blow up the empire state building!" back in 2002. Not funny, just stupid, and the police did their job - question and release.

Comment Re: Mix The Best (Score 3, Insightful) 404

The point of human actors are that they're good at their job - acting (and marketing themselves, in some cases). They are not hired for their face or body as much as their acting ability. There are a lot of people out there who have great faces and bodies but do not end up as superstar actors. If the goal in casting was to have a perfect-looking human, many of our top actors today would not be where they are.

The whole point of avatar was that there were good human actors driving the CG effects.

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