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Comment Re:After seeing this (Score 1) 70


This site commits the sin of "click here to read the story -> "oh wait, click here again please, to be sent to the actual story".

Further fail, for being flash driven, and having those ridiculous cnet buttons plastered everywhere. Even worse, the comments system looks like it has been ripped straight from some of those craptacular "PC for morons" sites.

Way to take a great idea and garbage it.

Comment Wheres the friking backlash? (Score 2, Interesting) 479

Funny. Over at speakeasy, I can get a line that is not only faster, but guaranteed bandwidth, and is unregulated as far as what I do with it. No idiot company blocking my ports, bitching about my fileserver, etc. Further, I can sign up for a resell plan and make money on my line, with speakeasy doing all the billing. Oh, and I can have that bundled in with VoIP access too? All for around the same $150? Gratuitous link:

Please mr. ISP, tell me again how you aren't a simpering moron?

Comment Re:Your Goal: One Second or Less (Score 1) 654

What a load of crap. I have no idea why boot speed is suddenly all over the media like it's some big thing..

My old desktop (Athlon XP era) does POST -> KDE, including me typing in my login and password, in under 6 seconds. None of this hibernation junk or w/e doohickey crap you youngins are coming up with.

Comment Not quite, but just as funny: (Score 2, Funny) 201

How about that software that plays music, and is attuned to the load of each server?

Or how about using driftnet, pipe the output to a monitor in the lunchroom, complete with login name, so that everyone sees who is looking at

Yeah I know it's not precisely what you asked for, but you can't say you didn't have the same thought.

(driftnet: )

Comment Re:What's to stop them? (Score 1) 336

Also, this is not a contract. Clicking 'I agree' is not a legal way to sign a contract and it is not legal to unilaterally add conditions once a deal is done

Yes they are.

The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, The Federal E-Sign Act (adopted in various states, in various forms), the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (only adopted by two states) and the No Electronic Theft Act all cover this.

Futhermore, courts have always applied paper and pencil principles to electronic contracts; that is, they follow laws designed before computers and apply them in new ways, in order to deal with the Information Age. EULA's are termed Shrink-Wrap Licenses and Browse-Wrap Contracts.

Please refer to your nearest Federal Register section at your local library before spouting such nonsense. Or take a course, which is where above info came from. (Hint: Westlaw Business Law/West Legal Studies: ISBN# 0-324-37721-5, Chapter 17)


Firefox 3 Antiphishing Sends Your URLs To Google 296

iritant writes "As we were discussing, Gran Paradiso — the latest version of Firefox — is nearing release. Gran Paradiso includes a form of malware protection that checks every URL against a known list of sites. It does so by sending each URL to Google. In other words, if people enable this feature, they get some malware protection, and Google gets a wealth of information about which sites are popular (or, for that matter, which sites should be checked for malware). Fair deal? Not to worry — the feature is disabled by default."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Is Microsoft actively astroturfing slashdot? 3

Could Microsoft be actively astroturfing slashdot? When a discussion starts with an offhand comment laughing at an MS Products' supposed security and ends with attacks on Apache and Linux you really start to wonder.

Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Free MMORPG Daimonin releases new major beta

rvalles writes: "Daimonin, a free software MMORPG available for Linux and Windows featuring isometric graphics and a live player community, released its fourth beta after years of development. Highlights for the release include a many-times-as-big world, new graphics and music, a new client skin, a new tutorial for new players and a new quests and events system."

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