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Comment Re:It's about free software (Score 1) 583

Right now the situation is such that people are forced, whether at work or at home, to use software where you aren't allowed basic rights to the software you use: to use your software in any fashion, to modify it however you want, and to distribute it to whoever who want.

Of course, the Free Software movement's idea of basic rights covers developer rights that most users don't really care about and would happily waive. Getting proprietary software EULA-free is probably good enough for the average user (and even then there's probably enough people who don't realize that EULAs are a problem, thanks to not bothering to read any).

Comment Re:Anti-competitive my rear. (Score 1) 589

Two fields of competition. The GP's post wasn't referring to competition between Silverlight and Flash. He was referring to Silverlight's effect on OS competition. That is, if Silverlight's relevance to the internet increases without the plugin getting ported, then it's bad for the ability of other OS's to be/become competitive choices.

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