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Comment Re:HP always been a weird company (Score 1) 236

My workstation is an elitebook and I get a couple of bluescreens a day(!). On the other hand, my Dell Precision M70 from 5 years ago runs as good as new... although that may just be the benefit of running Ubuntu at home versus XP at work. But even with XP on my M70, I never had the same kind of issues I have now with the HP.

That's not to say that the EliteBooks (and enterprise-grade systems in general) aren't worlds better than their consumer-grade trash, but still, there are far better options.

Submission + - How to stop oil leaking from the sea floor ( 1

blair1q writes: After a robot failed to shut off a valve on the broken pipe left in the sea bottom by the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon (operated by BP and Transocean), the U.S. Coast Guard is considering setting a 75,000 km^2 oil slick on fire to protect the swampy Louisiana coast, which is just 30 km away. Other ideas: drilling a second well to starve the leaking well of oil, and covering the wellhead with a collection dome then pumping the oil to tankers on the surface. The U.S. Departments of the Interior and Homeland Security are setting up investigations into the accident. And nobody seems to be able to locate Aquaman.

Comment Common sense. (Score 1) 245

People lose all common sense when they're dealing with something they think they're incapable of understanding.

It's not true, by and large, that people would be incapable of understanding if they sat down to take the time to figure it out, but in the cases of such an unequal informational playing field (you and your doctor, you and your mechanic, grandma and her computer tech) people are paying not just for service but for expertise, and that makes them vulnerable to this kind of exploitation.

Comment Re:what a great idea (Score 1) 473

Although, as an afterthought, I'm curious about what happens if you include the effects of second-hand smoke. That is to say, if one person smokes in a four-person household and causes, say, two cases of lung cancer, does it change the numbers any? The other people were going to die anyway, but what other costs do they incur that they wouldn't have otherwise?

Comment Re:what a great idea (Score 5, Interesting) 473

Taxation in some of the cases you mention is win-win: alcohol, pot, etc. Vice taxes work because they add a financial disincentive to an objectively harmful activity (unless you're talking a glass of wine a day, a la Europe) to increase the short-term cost, effectively substituting for obviating the long-term cost.

In other words, we tax cigarettes now to deter you from smoking, but in the event that we can't do that, we use the increased revenues to pay for the increase in health costs that you rack up when you get lung cancer later. And yes, we pay for your lung cancer because you're likely on Medicare.

As to drugs, the idea of "legalize and tax" misses much of the point. That should be "legalize, regulate, and tax," where regulation is the process of telling you, the consumer, what you're getting, which in the case of drugs can minimize things like overdoses.

However, all that's arguably separate from issues like gambling which, while an addictive behavior, is not objectively harmful beyond the addiction. Most other vice taxes are regressive, but they serve a long-term benefit in disincentivizing the often-physically-unhealthy vice, whereas taxing gambling provides the disincentive to an activity that causes little objective harm. This makes gambling unique (at least so far as I can see) among the vices that we'd regulate in this manner.

Comment Re:Shoot to miss (Score 1) 255

So what if you took two of them and overlapped them at 45 degree angles? I realize that's not quite descriptive enough to clarify my line of thought, so let me elaborate:

Say I have a cube covered by this thing. When looking at it from a 45 degree angle, I see the cube displaced.

So what if I then take another slightly-larger carpet cloak and prop it up 45 degrees off-axis such that when I look at this outer cloak straight-on, I see "through" the outer cloak, and when I look at it at 45 degrees, I see the inner (invisible) cloak? I imagine the optics for this get mucked up since you're darkening the interior by overlaying the outer cloak... would you just see a dark space displaced to the side?

That's probably still better than revealing whatever's inside.

Comment Oblig. First They Came post (Score 1) 260

From here:

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
